Commands (enUS)
Command list:
<argument> (needed)
[argument] (optional)
Command | Action | Progress |
/guilds | shows plugin info | ✓ |
/guilds help [int] | shows command help for the plugin | ✓ |
/guild create <name> [owner] | creates a new guild called "name", with the owner "owner" | |
/guild invite <name> | invites "name" to the guild | |
/guild kick <name> | kick "name" from the guild members | |
/guild leave | leave your guild | |
/guild delete [name] | deletes the guild "name" | |
/guild rassistant <name> | rankup member "name" to assistant | |
/guild rmember <name> | rankdown assistant "name" to member | |
/guild gp [name] | shows how many GP the guild "name" has | |
/guild level [name] | same as /guild gp | |
/guild glory [name] | shows how many GloryPoints the guild "name" has | |
/guild qlist | shows available quests for the guild | |
/guild qchoose <name> | choose the quest "name" for the guild from the list | |
/guild qprogress | shows the progress of the active guild quest | |
/guild wrequest <name> | send the guild "name" a request for a guild war | |
/guild waccept <name> | accept guild war request of guild "name" | |
/guild wdeny <name> | deny guild war request of guild "name" | |
/guild wrequestpeace <name> | send the guild "name" a peace request to quit the current war | |
/guild wacceptpeace<name> | accept the peace request of the guild "name" | |
/guild wdenypeace<name> | deny the peace request of the guild "name" |