Programming a Guide

Programming a Guide

Programming a Guide

Prepering the Segments

A guide runs different Segments.
A Segment requires some parameters:

ID : int
The ID of the Segment: 0, 1, 2, ...
Text : String
The text to send to the player.
exitBySkip : boolean
If the guide exits, when the segment should skipped.
spaceable : boolean
If the answer of the player can contain spaces.
backSeg : int
The ID of the Segment to go to, when the player uses "back".
skipSeg : int
The ID of the Segment to go to, when the player uses "skip" or "next".

Segments can look like this:

Segment seg1 = new Segment(0, "Whats your name?", false, true, -1, 1);
Segment seg2 = new Segment(1, "Do you want to play survival or creative?", false, false, 0, -1);
Segment seg3 = new Segment(2, "Do friends of you already playing on this server?", true, false, 1, 2);


  • Using "back" at the first segment will exit the guide. "Skip" will continue with the second segment.
  • Typing "cre a tive" at the second segment will be corrected to "creative", because spaces aren't allowed here.
  • Using "back" at the second segment will go back to the first one. "Skip" is not allowed here.
  • Using "skip" at the third segment will exit the guide.
    • Make sure the skipSeg is 2, and nothing other!

The array of segments could look like this:

Segment[] segs = {seg1, seg2, seg3};

Easy, isn't it?

Prepareing the Receiver

Every time the player type in a message, the Guide will scan it.
There are some "commands" / words, which will have an effect on the Guide:

"exit" / "stop"Exits the Guide.
"back"Calls the backSeg.
"skip"Calls the skipSeg.

Any other message from the player will be send to the receiver!

Create a class, which implements the GuideReceiver interface.

package mypackage;

import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;


public class MyGuide implements GuideReceiver
	public MyGuide(){}

	public int receive(Guide guide, Segment seg, String msg)
		// Do something with the msg.
		return nextSeg; // The segment, which should now be called.
		 * The return value can also be:
		 * -1 To exit the Guide without any announcement.
		 * -2 The finish the Guide. This will send the player a message: "You finished the Guide!" (Guide will be replace by the guideSyn)
		 * -3 Exits the Guide, telling the player, that the Guide was exited by the plugin.

	public void finish(CommandSender s)
		//Save data, if you wish to.
	public boolean usesId(String id)
		//Does this Guide use a ID of an element? (ID of segments are not meant.)
		//If yes, is it the given String id equal to the ID in use?
		//If no, leave it blank.

Inside the receive(...) method, you should handle the message.
For our example it could look like this:

public int receive(Guide guide, Segment seg, String msg)
	case 0: customPlayer.setName(msg); return 1;
	case 1: if(msg.equalsIgnoreCase("survial"))
			MsgSender.sInfo(guide.getExecutor(), guide.getCmdSender(), "You'll play in survival mode!");
			return 2;
		else if(msg.equalsIgnoreCase("creative"))
			MsgSender.sInfo(guide.getExecutor(), guide.getCmdSender(), "You'll play in creative mode!");
			return 2;
			MsgSender.sBug(guide.getExecutor(), guide.getCmdSender(), "You cannot play " + msg + "!");
			return 1;
	case 2: TrinaryAnswer answer = MethodPool.getAnswer(msg);
		if(answer == TrinaryAnswer.POSITIVE)
			MsgSender.sInfo(guide.getExecutor(), guide.getCmdSender(), "Fine. :-)");
			return -2;
		else if(answer == TrinaryAnswer.NEGATIVE)
			MsgSender.sInfo(guide.getExecutor(), guide.getCmdSender(), "Oh dear. :-(");
			return -2;
			MsgSender.sBug(guide.getExecutor(), guide.getCmdSender(), "Your answer should be yes or no!");
			MsgSender.sWarn(guide.getExecutor(), guide.getCmdSender(), "You typed: " + msg);
			return 2;
	return nextSeg; //The segment, which should now be called.

Parameters of a Guide

A guide requires some parameters:

GuideManager : GuideManger
You can use the internal GuideManger
You can also create your own guide manger
GuideReceiver : GuideReceiver
see below
Executor : Plugin
The excecuting plugin -> Your plugin!
GuideSyn : String
A word for "Guide", like "Setup", "Editor" or "Welcome Guide".
Player / Console : CommandSender
The player or the console using the guide.
Segments : Segment[]
An array of segments.

Putting all together

Once, you prepared the Segments and the Receiver, you just have to fit all together:

public void runGuide(Plugin myPlugin, CommandSender sender)
	GuidesPlugin gp = (GuidesPlugin) this.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("GuidesPlugin");
	Segment seg1 = new Segment(0, "Whats your name?", false, true, -1, 1);
	Segment seg2 = new Segment(1, "Do you want to play survival or creative?", false, false, 0, -1);
	Segment seg3 = new Segment(2, "Do friends of you already playing on this server?", true, false, 1, 2);
	Segment[] segs = {seg1, seg2, seg3};
	GudieReceiver gr = new MyGuide();
	Guide myGuide = new Guide(gp, myReceiver, myPlugin, "Welcome-Guide", sender, segs);
	gp.addGuide(myGuide, true); // True here, to deactivate possible running Guides of the player / sender.

Now your're done!


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