
How to Configure

GUIShop may look very difficult at first. But fear not it is quite easy!

To start off lets set up the menu that leads to the shops.

Here is what the Config looks like. This is called Config.yml in the plugin's folder.



##                                              ##
##  _____ _    _ _____  _____ _                 ##
## / ____| |  | |_   _|/ ____| |                ##
##| |  __| |  | | | | | (___ | |__   ___  _ __  ##
##| | |_ | |  | | | |  \___ \| '_ \ / _ \| '_ \ ##
##| |__| | |__| |_| |_ ____) | | | | (_) | |_) |##
## \_____|\____/|_____|_____/|_| |_|\___/| .__/ ##
##                                       | |    ##
##                                       |_|    ##

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##Title of the inventory in /shop
menuname: '&4GUI &eShop'

##Tag in chat before text in chat from shop. e.g [GUIShop] Purchase Successful.
tag: '&7[&4GUI&4Shop&7]'

##Print EVERY Action in console (Use only when needed!!!)
Verbose: true
## Command used to open shop, DONT PUT A /
Command: 'shop'
############ Language settings ###############

#No permission message
no-permission: '&cNo Permission!'

#Disabled world message
disabled-world: '&cYou cannot use the shop from this world!'

#The message for the amount you lose, E.G Cost, Or Price
cost: '&7Price'

#The message for the amount you get back AKA. Sell or Returned
return: '&7Sell'

#The 1st line of the message on shop items
line1: '&8To sell, click the item in your inv.'

#The 2nd line of the message on shop items
line2: '&6Must be the same quantity!'

#The 3rd line of the message on shop items
line3: 'Click to buy item of quantity'

#The 4th line of the message on shop items
line4: 'Shift+Click to buy 1 item'

#The text back button in the shops
back: '&4Back'

#The messaged displayed before the item amount.

## E.G "You Purchased 54"
purchased: '&fYou purchased, &c'

## The second message displayed when you purchase an item.

## E.G 54$ Taken from your account.
taken: '&ftaken from your account.'

##  The words displayed before the amount needed.
not-enough-pre: '&fYou need &c$'

## The words displayed AFTER the amount needed.
not-enough-post: '&f more money.'

## Text displayed before item name.
sold: '&fYou sold, &c'

##Second message when buying, Words AFTER the amount
## E.G 54$ "Added to your account"
added: '&f added to your account.'

#When something magical goes wrong?
something-wrong: '&fSomething went wrong, contact an admin.'

#Message displayed when a player tries to sell blocks not matching the quantity.
in-stacks: '&fPlease sell in stacks of &c'

#Message when a player cannot sell a certain item.
cant-sell: '&fSorry, you cannot sell that item.'

#The title of a sign that players can click to open shop
sign-title: '[&4GUI&bShop&0]'

#Do want players to be able to access the shop ONLY using the sign? 
sign-only: false

sign-only-message: '&cYou can only access the shop by clicking a GUIShop sign!'


##Menu Items
Rows: 1
  Enabled: true
  Item: STONE
  Name: '&4Block&6shop'
  Desc: 'Click Me'
  Shop: 'Block'
  Enabled: true
  Item: TNT
  Name: '&4Raid &aItem &6Shop'
  Desc: 'Click Me'
  Shop: 'Raid'
  Enabled: true
  Item: WOOD_AXE
  Name: '&2Miscellanous'
  Desc: 'Click Me'
  Shop: 'Misc'
  Enabled: true
  Name: '&bDonor Shop'
  Desc: 'Click Me'
  Shop: 'DShop'

 ## Developed by pablo67340 ##
 ## If you need any support ##
 ## add 'pablo673400' on    ##
 ## Skype!                  ##


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