GUIShop 8.0


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  • Uploaded
    May 16, 2020
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    509.79 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.15
  • 1.14
  • 1.13
  • 1.12
  • 1.11
  • 1.10
  • 1.9
  • 1.8.1
  • 1.8
  • 1.8.3
  • 1.7.4
  • 1.7.2


- Use economy formatting to avoid scientific notation displays
- No need to apply colour codes twice
- Add alternate sell GUI per request
- Allow selling items which can't be bought in the alternate sell GUI
- Apply configuration defaults for users who don't update config.yml
- Use economy formatting to avoid scientific notation displays
- No need to apply colour codes twice
- Add alternate sell GUI per request
- Allow selling items which can't be bought in the alternate sell GUI
- Apply configuration defaults for users who don't update config.yml
- Re-register commands on reload
- Remake potion types - sadly we have to use deprecated api
- Remove a public static BlockingQueue field lost in space
- Fix a typo in BuyCommand, GUIShop no longer uses guishop.slot.*
- Actually fix shop-specific permissions
- Fix iron golem spawners
- Revert last commit
- Prevent NPE when empty item is clicked
- Removed inappropriate threading on startup
- Change .classpath StandardVMType to JavaSE-1.8
- Bugfix: Don't allow command purchase if misconfigured
- Simplify methods in Item; improve strictness of price type checking
- Re-add player#isOp alongside permission checks
- No need to check PluginManager#isPluginEnabled("Vault")
- Fix a regression introduced by using ItemStack#clone
- Permit users to omit command registration, add /guishopuser with aliases
- Fix IllegalArgumentException: Title cannot be null for bad configs
- Add and implement potion type parsing
- Add potion examples to brewing section of default shops.yml
- Allow selling potions by changing itemstrings to include potion info
- Fix longstanding bug (ArrayIndexOutOfBounds) in /guishop sell
- An extra null check during item parsing
- Add '/guishop parsematerial' and '/guishop parsemob'
- Use ItemStack#clone to preserve item data values on legacy versions
- Make forward and backward page button item names configurable
- Fix shop-specific permissions
- Add dynamic pricing config option (More Info:
- Add DynamicPriceProvider and load it if configured
- Update DynamicPriceProvider API
- Update deprecated VaultAPI call
- Remember to use double's in DynamicPriceProvider
Forgot to add item to DynamicPriceProvider#buyItem and #sellItem
- Add dynamic pricing capability to GuiShop
- Warn when no DynamicPriceProvider found but config option enabled
- Move DynamicPriceProvider to com.pablo67340.guishop.api package
- Add GuiShopAPI
- Document DynamicPriceProvider
- Make usage of Price more comprehensive
- Add show-in-gui option to shop item configuration
- Change PRICETABLE to ITEMTABLE, remove Price entirely
- Add GuiShopAPI#canBeBought
- Use the same method to determine if an itemstack is a mob spawner
- Add ability to disable dynamic pricing per item
- Fix a typo in a log message in Main
- Fix potential NPE problem with null service providers
- Add MobType#getFromNbt
- Use maven dependency resolution instead of user-local .classpath entries
- Avoid using section sign in source code
- Get rid of eclipse prefs in .settings/
- Add eclipse prefs to .gitignore (.settings/)

A Massive thanks to @A248 for these changes, he's made so much progress with GUIShop that couldn't have been done without him.