GUI Commands

GUI Commands
Author: Darrionat
 This graph starts when v1.5 was released
GUI Commands is a plugin that lets developers create GUI's that can allow players to execute commands when they click on an item in the UI. This plugin allows admins to customize their GUI very much (with many more features expected in the future.) Custom names, lores, GUI opening item (e.g. a server selector compass), and permissions!
  • GUI Settings
  • Custom GUI Name (Displayed at the top)
  • Custom GUI open command
  • Custom GUI close command
  • Customize your GUI rows
  • True/False if the GUI will remain open after a player clicks an item
  • A custom fill item for slots that aren't taken
  • Can support /server!
  • GUI Item Login Item
  • True/False that a player logs in with a custom item
  • Change the custom item type
  • Add a lore to the custom item
  • Add a name to the custom item
  • Set what slot this item will be in
  • True/False option to let players move the item
  • True/False option to let players drop the item
  • Custom GUI
  • Allows a player to create items within a GUI they can customize
  • Set the id of an item
  • Set the quantity of an item
  • Set a name for the item
  • Add a lore for the item
  • Add a executable command to the item in the GUI
  • Custom permission for a player to see the item in the GUI
  • Custom permission for a player to click the item in the GUI
  • Custom message for when a player doesn't have permission to click on an item.


#  ____ _   _ ___    ____                                          _     #
# / ___| | | |_ _|  / ___|___  _ __ ___  _ __ ___   __ _ _ __   __| |___ #
#| |  _| | | || |  | |   / _ \| '_ ` _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _` | '_ \ / _` / __|#
#| |_| | |_| || |  | |__| (_) | | | | | | | | | | | (_| | | | | (_| \__ \#
# \____|\___/|___|  \____\___/|_| |_| |_|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|___/#                                                                      
# ____          ____                  _                                  #
#| __ ) _   _  |  _ \  __ _ _ __ _ __(_) ___  _ __                       #
#|  _ \| | | | | | | |/ _` | '__| '__| |/ _ \| '_ \                      #
#| |_) | |_| | | |_| | (_| | |  | |  | | (_) | | | |                     #
#|____/ \__, | |____/ \__,_|_|  |_|  |_|\___/|_| |_|                     #
#       |___/                                                            #    

## For support on this plugin or any others created by Darrion, please join my Discord

GUIName: 'Gui Commands' # What will show at the top of the GUI.
GUICommand: '/opengui' # A command to open the GUI. You need the /
GUICloseCommand: '/closegui' # Useful for making an item close the GUI. You need the /
GUIRows: 6 # 1 is min. 6 is the max. Making less/more might break the plugin.
KeepOpen: true # This is if the GUI will close when a player clicks on something

## Custom Join Item, such as a server navigator compass!
## If a player right-clicks with this item, it'll open the GUI.
GUIItemOnLogin: true
GUIItemType: 'COMPASS' # Use all caps, make sure it's a valid item type. 
GUIItemLore: '' # 
GUIItemName: '&eServer Selector'
GUIItemSlot: 5
PlayerCanMoveItem: false # Can move the item in their inventory, still can move if in creative.
PlayerCanDropItem: false # Can drop the item on the ground

## id: It must be capitalized and in '' Make sure it's the name, not the ID number. (Required)
## qty: the amount of blocks in that slot (Required)
## name: Add a custom name to the item, works with color codes. Put in '' (Optional)
## lore: Add a custom lore to the item, works with color codes. Put in '' (Optional)
## command: the command that will be executed when a player clicks on the item. Put in '' You don't need a / (Required)
## view-permission: Permission to see the item, leave '' empty if you don't want a permission. (Optional)
## click-permission: Permission to click the item, leave '' empty if you don't want a permission. (Optional)
## click-no-permission-message: Message for when a player clicks but doesn't have the permission click-permission (Optional)

## Don't delete any lines in your item, so always have it like this.
## 23: # This is the slot number.
##         id: 'DIAMOND_ORE'
##         qty: 32
##         name: ''
##         lore: ''
##         command: 'say one'
##         view-permission: 'test.test'
##         click-permission: 'click.permission'
##         click-no-permission-message: 'You dont have that permission'
## Deleting any of the options will throw you an error in console. If you don't want an option, just leave '' empty.
    14: # This is the slot number.
        id: 'CHEST'
        qty: 1
        name: '&eGUI Commands'
        lore: '&aA plugin for making GUIs that execute commands on click'
        command: 'say one'
        view-permission: 'view.chest'
        click-permission: 'click.permission'
        click-no-permission-message: '&cYou dont have that permission'
    29: # This is the slot number.
        id: 'BOW'
        qty: 1
        name: '&cBowPVP'
        lore: ''
        command: 'warp bowpvp'
        view-permission: 'view.bowpvp'
        click-permission: 'click.permission'
        click-no-permission-message: '&cYou dont have that permission'
    31: # This is the slot number.
        id: 'DIAMOND_SWORD'
        qty: 1
        name: '&cKitPvP'
        lore: ''
        command: 'warp kitpvp'
        view-permission: 'view.kitpvp'
        click-permission: 'click.permission'
        click-no-permission-message: '&cYou dont have that permission'
    33: # This is the slot number.
        qty: 1
        name: '&bArmory'
        lore: ''
        command: 'warp armory'
        view-permission: 'view.armory'
        click-permission: 'click.permission'
        click-no-permission-message: '&cYou dont have that permission'
    35: # This is the slot number.
        qty: 1
        name: '&eFood'
        lore: ''
        command: 'warp food'
        view-permission: ''
        click-permission: ''
        click-no-permission-message: 'You can leave the permissions empty for no perm required.'
        id: 'BARRIER'
        qty: 1
        name: '&4Close GUI'
        lore: '&8A way to leave the menu.'
        command: 'closegui' # This is the same command as the one at the top of the config, to close the gui.
        view-permission: 'custom.permission'
        click-permission: 'click.permission'
        click-no-permission-message: '&cYou dont have that permission'





  • Commands
  • /guicommands
  • /guicommands reload
  • Permissions
  • guicommands.reload
  • (config.yml )view-permission: ''
  • (config.yml )click-permission: ''
  • These permissions can be custom made to whatever you want, or they can be left blank for no permission required!


Support/Bug Reports:


  • You can receive quick support for this plugin by joining my Discord/
  • If you have found any bugs within the plugin please join my Discord and send me the bug report!
  • You can find the known bugs within my Discord also.




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