
GroupManager LP
GroupManager LP allows you to operate LuckPerms using GroupManager Commands.
GroupManager is getting outdated and newer permission plugins with more features and better stability are out now. The main reason people don't want to switch is because they are so used to the old outdated plugins. Now you can use the commands you are used to using to operate LuckPerms.
Some commands usage require a world, for example (/manuadd <player> <group> <world>). You don't have to fill a world there. If you don't, it will set it to global - meaning all worlds.
Also, this is still in BETA, please notify the owner of any bugs you encounter if any via our discord.
Permission: gmlp.use
[code=YAML]/manuadd <player> <group> <world> - If no world set it will default to all worlds
/manudel <player>
/manuaddsub <player> <group>
/manudelsub <player> <group>
/manpromote <player> <group> - Requires a LuckPerms Track
/mandemote <player> <group> - Requires a LuckPerms Track
/manwhois <player>
/manuaddp <player> <permission> <world> - If no world set it will default to all worlds
/manudelp <player> <permission> <world> - If no world set it will default to all worlds
/manulistp <player>
/manucheckp <player> <permission>
/manuaddv <player> <variable> <value>
/manudelv <player> <variable>
/manulistv <player>
/mangadd <group>
/mangdel <group>
/mangaddi <group1> <group2>
/mangdeli <group1> <group2>
/mangaddp <group> <permission> <world> - If no world set it will default to all worlds
/manudelp <group> <permission> <world> - If no world set it will default to all worlds
/manglistp <group>
/mangcheckp <group> <permission>
/mangaddv <group> <variable> <value>
/mangdelv <group> <variable>
/manglistv <group>
/mansave - /manload[/code]


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 11, 2019
  • Last Released File
    Jan 11, 2019
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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