Useless for ANY command needing args. #2

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser8688770
  • _ForgeUser11902519 created this issue Feb 18, 2014

    Currently, I cannot make ANY commands that have ANY arguments.
    And I have to do /gcmd before all my commands? How is that supposed to help? The whole "OP" thing you set up is very misleading. What kind of player would do /gcmd op to op themselves? They would do /op. And you have it set up so that the plugin doesn't effect the command at all.

    This plugin WOULD solve all of my problems... If it could handle plugins that involved more arguments than just the player who sent it, AND NOT have to type /gcmd before all of my sub commands.

  • _ForgeUser11902519 added the tags New Enhancment Feb 18, 2014
  • _ForgeUser8688770 posted a comment Jun 23, 2014

    Sorry it took me 4 months to see these. The plugin wasn't getting a whole lot of attention and I had a lot of other stuff to deal with, so I sort of stopped checking on it.

    Anyway, for the arguments, that's definitely something I could add. As for the /gcmd thing, I believe that issue could be solved using bukkit alias's. There should be some way to specify specific commands from specific plugins (something like "/bukkit:op" but I don't recall the exact syntax, and honestly for all I know they removed that feature). So you'd put an alias in the bukkit config to make /op run /gcmd op, and then put "bukkit:op @p" in the plugin config.

    To be honest, I'm really not an experienced enough developer to tackle things like command conflicts and figured it was better to avoid them altogether by putting the user defined commands within a command unlikely to conflict with anything.

    Edited Jun 23, 2014

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