Incompatibility with "Shopkeepers" plugin -Update #81

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  • Defect
Assigned to _ForgeUser9107489
  • Collserra created this issue Sep 26, 2015

    It seems like the problem wasn't with Shopkeepers, but with me being in creative mode.
    On ANY type of interaction with the creative menu while I had currency in my inventory, it instantly reduces my balance to 0.
    Is this a 'feature'? It is a bit inconvenient.
    (Original ticket below)

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. (With Shopkeepers installed) set currency to Gold ingots with the &6 color code in config (So players can't use regular mined gold)
    2. Do /moneyadmin to give a player money (Say 999 for example)
    3. Set up Shopkeeper that trades regular gold for &6 gold, so it is usable but admin can manage trade rate
    4. &6 gold traded with villager doesn't count towards your balance, using /money still yields (999 for example)

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?

    Expected output after trading with villager is to increase balance seen with /money, but balance does not increase.

    What version of the product are you using?
    Gringotts 2.7
    Spigot 1.8.7
    Shopkeepers 1.63

    Do you have an error log of what happened?
    There is no error in the console.

    Please provide any additional information below.

    It seems like Shopkeepers does something to the item name?
    When I set up the Shopkeepers shops, I use the currency Gringotts gives me with /moneyadmin, so I'm not renaming the money myself with some plugin.
    I do /moneyadmin add (amount), and use that money that is given to me in the shop.
    I'm also going to ask the dev of Shopkeepers if the plugin adds any item meta that might be screwing with it.
    It seems unlikely though, as the dev openly suggets using this plugin in conjunction with his on the page.

  • Collserra added the tags New Defect Sep 26, 2015
  • Collserra edited description Sep 26, 2015
  • Collserra posted a comment Sep 26, 2015

    Updated! Found the problem.

  • _ForgeUser9107489 posted a comment Sep 27, 2015

    @Collserra: Go

    Thanks for the update. Creative mode shouldn't cause any troubles with Gringotts though. Does this also happen with a minimal configuration? (only Gringotts and Vault)

  • Collserra posted a comment Oct 6, 2015

    I haven't tested it with JUST Gringotts and Vault, however Gringotts, Vault, and Essentials on 1.8.7 ends up doing the same thing.

    It isn't a large issue, in fact just encourages me to stop spending so much time in creative xD

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