Feature Request: Shared Admin Account. #63

  • Enhancment
  • Waiting
Assigned to _ForgeUser9107489
  • _ForgeUser3513767 created this issue Jan 30, 2015
    What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?Hello: We are using this plugin with great delight and it is working just fine. When working on a portal hub system I have found that I would like the possibility to create vault accounts that are not dependent on player names or any other plugins. In My case I needed a general Admin account that admins could use store currency in.that would also mean that you would need to add a new command or modify the pay command a little./money pay <amount> <player> [source account]
    or add  one of these
    /moneyadmin pay <amount> <player>
    /money move <amount> <source account> <destination account>and a permission for access to that account.To Differ between player accounts and the admin account just call it *admin or #admin
    ----And now my mind explodes with ideas: multiple player accounts
    example for player Snakebite
    This just brings so many questions so ill just drop it but I hope it lights a spark in your head..
    Please provide any additional information below.
  • _ForgeUser3513767 added the tags New Enhancment Jan 30, 2015
  • _ForgeUser9107489 posted a comment Mar 23, 2015

    I probably won't get around to doing any enhancements soon, but I'm thinking either banks or virtual accounts would solve this issue for you?

  • _ForgeUser9107489 removed a tag New Mar 23, 2015
  • _ForgeUser9107489 added a tag Waiting Mar 23, 2015

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