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I have reports of players who voted and don't get the reward. When this happens it also displays an error in the console(look below).This problem started when we switched from iConomy to Gringotts, and that's why I'm writing this ticket here.
Plugins which handles this:
What version of the product are you using?
Gringotts v2.0 beta4
Do you have an error log of what happened?
I haven't been able to replicate the problem, it's seems to happen by chance.
Please tell me if you need anymore information.
That does look like something which would happen by chance, and seems directly related to adding items to the world. However I haven't seen this before. Are you using regular CraftBukkit or any alternative client?
Yes I'm using spigot.
Do you think switching to a Mysql db would solve the problem?
The DB would probably change nothing, since the problem is likely that Spigot does some kind of optimization involving multiple threads, and Gringotts makes the assumption that nothing else will happen while accessing chests in the world. So I'm not sure what to do about this at the moment, except perhaps try vanilla CraftBukkit.
Okay I'll have to switch to Craftbukkit until it is fixed. In the meantime, I could bring this issue to the spigot forum if you want?
@th3cleaner_mcserver: Go
Sure, if you can verify that it doesn't happen with CraftBukkit. If it does, please let me know.
No error with craftbukkit, I'll take this to spigot then.
Likely related to this issue:
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