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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.8.1


Recent Major Changes

  • Finding offline players by name - Version 9.0 and higher. For sake of performance (not producing lag), players and admins can only target offline players who've recently logged in with Grief Prevention slash commands like /trust, /transferclaim, /claimslist, and so on. I plan to keep working on this to make all players targettable without causing a lag problem. This limit on who can be targetted is a temporary solution to work around a problem introduced by the CraftBukkit team when they made the switch to support player UUIDs.
  • UUID Conversion - Version 8.1 and higher. During boot, an often very slow, one-time conversion process will replace player names in your data with player UUIDs. This process can take as long as one second for each player who has EVER played on your server. Make a backup before you upgrade, and please be patient. If this process is interrupted, you'll have to restore from backup and start over. This change will ensure players who change their names will not lose claim blocks or access to their land claims. If there's a problem, I need to know whether you're online/offline/bungee, whether in database or flat file mode, I need your boot logs from the conversion attempt, and if possible, a snapshot of your data from before the update.
  • Disabled worlds in config - Version 8.5 and higher. If a world is "disabled" for land claims, then no land claims which already exist in that world (including administrative land claims) will be protected. For those upgrading from an earlier version ONLY, to ensure all existing land claims are protected, GP has defaulted worlds which were disabled to allow claims again, including player-made land claims. If this isn't what you want, update your config.yml.
  • Piston limiting - Version 8.1.7 and higher. Pistons won't move blocks outside of land claims. This is a huge performance win, but if you want the old rules back, there's a new config option to disable this rule. Yes, players do get an explanation/warning when they place pistons outside of land claims, to avoid confusion for newly-placed pistons.
  • /DeathBlow Removed - Version 9.3 and higher. It's no longer necessary, since the items players drop on death are now protected. This protection is on by default in non-PvP worlds, and off by default in PvP worlds. You may customize it in the config file.

All Recent Changes

9.4 Updates

  • Administrators may now view all nearby claims at once by holding shift and right-clicking with the stick (permission: "griefprevention.visualizenearbyclaims").
  • Allowed /claimExplosions to bypass the "no exploding blocks above sea level" rule in survival worlds.
  • Dropped prohibitions against placing hoppers and hopper minecarts underneath land claims.
  • Added more control over in-game eavesdropping (signs and private messages) to the config.
  • Fixed disappearing subdivisions.

9.3 Updates

  • Removed /DeathBlow. The items players drop when they die are now protected, so there's no need for administrators to /DeathBlow thieves after an incident. This is on by default in non-PvP worlds, and off by default in PvP worlds. You may customize it in the config file.
  • Fire protections (spread, block ignition, block destruction) now apply only to worlds where land claims are enabled.
  • Admins will now get in-game education about /ac and /acb commands when it's helpful.
  • Fixed log spam related to minecarts taking damage.

9.2.2 Updates

  • Armor stands may now be placed in land claims in creative mode worlds.
  • In-game sign logging (in the chat box) now includes the sign's coordinates, and is formatted much better.
  • /DeleteAllAdminClaims works again.

9.2.1 Updates

  • Fixed "all birch doors are locked" problem for new servers. Anyone upgrading should remove ID 194 from the "container trust" list in their config file.
  • Partially fixed "new admin land claims are always 1x1". You can create a larger admin land claim by using the shovel from far away (not right up against the block you're right-clicking on). There's a CraftBukkit/Spigot bug fix that needs to happen before this can be totally fixed.

9.2 Updates

  • All the new door types are now lockable (see config).
  • Creating or destroying an armor stand requires build permission in the land claim.
  • Interacting with an armor stand also requires build permission.
  • The new fence gate types are now lockable (see config).
  • Banners are protected.
  • Faster player name lookup by UUID (general performance boost).
  • Back compatibility fix for the API - the allowBuild() method.

9.1 Updates

  • Non-Vanilla items are now treated with suspicion - trying to right-click with them while pointing at a claimed block requires build trust.
  • Now caching more offline players so that they can be found by name, for fewer "player not found" errors.

9.0 Updates

  • Greatly reduced CPU time finding offline players by name, but only recent players (within the last week) are targettable.
  • Referring to offline players with commands is now back for all players.
  • Fixed creeper explosions injuring claimed animals.
  • Fixed land claim slash commands sometimes not working for very small land claims and subdivisions.
  • Fixed "max accrued blocks" missing from the config file.

8.9 Updates

  • Added a config option to give players only part of their claim blocks back when they abandon a claim. It's off by default.
  • Milking cows now requires only /containerTrust, not /trust.
  • /gpreload is working now.
  • Now compatible with TheUnderground mod.

8.8.1 Updates

  • Fixed players stealing animals with fishing rods.
  • Fixed players harassing other players in land claims using snowballs (on PvP servers configured such that land claims should be PvP-free zones).
  • Performance improvements for player logout, claim cleanup, claim block delivery, and claim lookup.

8.8 Updates

  • Added an option to disable horse protections, in case your server has another plugin for horse protection.
  • Added an option to allow PvP specifically in subdivisions of administrative land claims.
  • Worked-around a client side bug related to fire.
  • Better logging for flat file claim data errors.
  • Performance boosts for players entering bed, block spreading, and entity spawning.

8.7.3 Updates

  • No more floating tree top cleanup - no one noticed it hasn't been working, and this boosts performance substantially.
  • Flames (flint+steel) are not protected by default - there's a new config option for anyone who'd like to re-enable it. This is another great performance boost (it's surprising how much more expensive Grief Prevention's most common event handler is due to just fire protection).
  • Fixed the once-per-five-minutes brief CPU spike due to the DeliverClaimBlocksTask.

8.7.2 Updates

  • Lifted the ban on wilderness bucket dumping in survival worlds for happier farmers. Also no more automatic fluid cleanup for survival worlds (when claims are abandoned), for fewer "wrong sea level setting put a hole in my ocean" incidents.
  • Fixed an issue with UUID migration - apparently it's possible to have offline players with a null player name entry? :\

8.7.1 Fixes

  • Fixed a data loss bug for database mode servers which impacts few servers, but everyone in database mode should update just to be safe!