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UploadedOct 29, 2014
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Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
Recent Major Changes
- Disabled worlds in config - Version 8.5 and higher. If a world is "disabled" for land claims, then no land claims which already exist in that world (including administrative land claims) will be protected. For those upgrading from an earlier version ONLY, to ensure all existing land claims are protected, GP has defaulted worlds which were disabled to allow claims again, including player-made land claims. If this isn't what you want, update your config.yml.
- UUID Conversion - Version 8.1 and higher. During boot, an often very slow, one-time conversion process will replace player names in your data with player UUIDs. This process can take as long as one second for each player who has EVER played on your server. Make a backup before you upgrade, and please be patient. If this process is interrupted, you'll have to restore from backup and start over. This change will ensure players who change their names will not lose claim blocks or access to their land claims. If there's a problem, I need to know whether you're online/offline/bungee, whether in database or flat file mode, I need your boot logs from the conversion attempt, and if possible, a snapshot of your data from before the update.
- Data format update - Version 8.0.3 and higher. This version can load data saved by the buggy "beta" versions released over the last year or so. Make a backup before you update, just in case there's an issue. If there's a problem, I need to know whether you're online/offline/bungee, whether in database or flat file mode, I need your boot logs from the conversion attempt, and if possible, a snapshot of your data from before the update.
- Tree growth limiting - Version 8.1.6 and higher. Trees are now allowed to grow into claims from outside (for performance reasons), UNLESS you opt-into tree growth limiting in your config file (this is a new config option).
- Piston limiting - Version 8.1.7 and higher. Pistons won't move blocks outside of land claims. This is a huge performance win, but if you want the old rules back, there's a new config option to disable this rule.
All Recent Changes
8.6.2 Updates
- Dying and shearing sheep in a land claim now requires /containerTrust or higher permission.
- Improved underwater claim management. I'll bet you didn't realize this was a thing, did you? ;)
- Stick and shovel tools now reach through water with right click.
- When the player is underwater, visualizations will "stick" to the ground or structures under the water rather than to the water's surface.
8.6.1 Updates
- Fixes for database mode claim loading and player data saving.
8.6 Updates
- /ContainerTrust now allows for farming - planting new crops, using bonemeal to speed crop growth, and harvesting crops. It does NOT allow preparing new soil for planting with a hoe, or "farming" tall grass or trees.
- Removed trapped command cooldown from the config file.
- Removed unused "idlelimitdays" entry from the config file.
8.5.2 Updates
- Bug fix: Right clicking in a subdivision with a stick in hand does not produce an error.
- Mod access trust config option also protects the listed block types from left clicks as well as right clicks.
8.5.1 Updates
- Fixed "/trapped is always on cooldown" bug by removing the cooldown entirely.
- Performance update for the very frequent player interact event.
8.5 Updates
- IMPORTANT! Updated the "enabled worlds" claims configuration in config.yml. Going forward, in worlds where claims are disabled, no existing land claims (including administrative claims!) will be protected. To ensure all existing land claims are protected for upgraders, any worlds which were disabled for land claims before are now re-enabled for land claims. If you don't want this, update your config.yml, but remember that will leave any administrative land claims you've created in those worlds vulnerable to grief.
- Fixed visualization blocks being hidden underneath snow.
- Fixed standard land claims being visualized with red blocks instead of gold.