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UploadedOct 13, 2014
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Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
Recent Major Changes
- UUID Conversion - Version 8.1 and higher. During boot, an often very slow, one-time conversion process will replace player names in your data with player UUIDs. This process can take as long as one second for each player who has EVER played on your server. Make a backup before you upgrade, and please be patient. If this process is interrupted, you'll have to restore from backup and start over. This change will ensure players who change their names will not lose claim blocks or access to their land claims. If there's a problem, I need to know whether you're online/offline/bungee, whether in database or flat file mode, I need your boot logs from the conversion attempt, and if possible, a snapshot of your data from before the update.
- Data format update - Version 8.0.3 and higher. This version can load data saved by the buggy "beta" versions released over the last year or so. Make a backup before you update, just in case there's an issue. If there's a problem, I need to know whether you're online/offline/bungee, whether in database or flat file mode, I need your boot logs from the conversion attempt, and if possible, a snapshot of your data from before the update.
- Tree growth limiting - Version 8.1.6 and higher. Trees are now allowed to grow into claims from outside (for performance reasons), UNLESS you opt-into tree growth limiting in your config file (this is a new config option).
- Piston limiting - Version 8.1.7 and higher. Pistons won't move blocks outside of land claims. This is a huge performance win, but if you want the old rules back, there's a new config option to disable this rule.
All Recent Changes
8.3 Updates
- Faster database mode boot.
- Reworked the new player experience to help new players learn to use the plugin faster.
- Greatly reduced the frequency of the "you're building outside of land claims" warning.
- Config cleanup.
- Login cooldown is now set in seconds for more customization and better player experience. Default is now 60 seconds (from 2 minutes).
- Removed option to require land claims before building in survival mode (nobody was happy with this, now matter how I changed it).
- Removed donation chests option (not anti grief, belongs in an extension plugin).
- Removed the option to disable automatic claim cleanup in creative worlds (source of griefability).
- Whisper/sign eavesdrop is now on by default. Was off by default before with privacy in mind, but now servers log all whispers anyway.
- Removed the option to disable building outside claims warning (see above, should not be spammy anymore).
8.2.3 Updates
- Faster UUID migration with less memory usage.
- UUID migration will now correctly migrate player data for players with names starting "$" or "_".
- Trust commands no longer work with offline players, except for /UnTrust. Big performance boost.
- General perf improvement for messages sent to players and the /TrustList command.
- Reduced overall memory consumption, especially during boot.
- Slightly faster boot.
8.2.2 Updates
- Faster, more reliable UUID migration code.
- Fixed dispensers placing fluids in a neighboring claim.
- Now automatically deleting claims for worlds which no longer exist.
- Better visualizations for huge land claims.
- Removed option to disallow un-claiming land in creative mode.
8.2.1 Updates
- Fixed the bug causing players to be charged double blocks for some land claims.
- Improved boot speed a bit.
- Added alias "claimlist" for command "claimslist".
8.1.9 Updates
- Major performance update to almost everything GP does.
- Much faster claim visualization.
- Claimed anvils require /ContainerTrust again.
8.1.8 Updates
- Blocks which don't have a persistent inventory (crafting table, enchanting table, anvil...) no longer require permission to use in a land claim.
- Lots of performance enhancements.
8.1.7 Update
- By default, pistons won't move blocks outside of land claims. This is a HUGE overall performance improvement for the plugin. If you want the old rules back (I know many of you may have pistons in worldguard regions), either create an administrative claim around the piston contraption OR turn off this new rule in your config file (this is a new config option).