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    Oct 1, 2014
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • CB 1.7.9-R0.2


Recent Major Changes

  • UUID Conversion - Version 8.1 and higher. During boot, an often very slow, one-time conversion process will replace player names in your data with player UUIDs. This process can take as long as one second for each player who has EVER played on your server. Make a backup before you upgrade, and please be patient. If this process is interrupted, you'll have to restore from backup and start over. This change will ensure players who change their names will not lose claim blocks or access to their land claims. If there's a problem, I need to know whether you're online/offline/bungee, whether in database or flat file mode, I need your boot logs from the conversion attempt, and if possible, a snapshot of your data from before the update.
  • Data format update - Version 8.0.3 and higher. This version can load data saved by the buggy "beta" versions released over the last year or so. Make a backup before you update, just in case there's an issue. If there's a problem, I need to know whether you're online/offline/bungee, whether in database or flat file mode, I need your boot logs from the conversion attempt, and if possible, a snapshot of your data from before the update.
  • Tree growth limiting - Version 8.1.6 and higher. Trees are now allowed to grow into claims from outside (for performance reasons), UNLESS you opt-into tree growth limiting in your config file (this is a new config option).

All Recent Changes

8.1.6 Updates

  • Banned players will no longer send a leave message if banned while online. This is a spam fix for griefers who have many accounts to throw at a server. Of course the smart ban feature will catch them, but this tweak also ensures each account booted doesn't land a message in the chat on the way out.
  • Made fluid handling cheaper, one of the spammiest events this plugin has to monitor. Fluids may no longer flow out of claims even into adjacent claims where the source claim owner has permission to build in the destination claim. This slight reduction in functionality is a big win for performance.
  • Trees are now allowed to grow into claims from outside (for performance reasons), UNLESS you opt-into tree growth limiting in your config file (this is a new config option).
  • Claims no longer extend downward automatically for broken blocks (but still do for placed blocks). This is a performance saver that doesn't create any opening for griefers.

8.1.5 Updates

  • Added spam blocker for human-controlled spam bots.
  • Miscellaneous performance improvements.
  • More detailed boot logs to get data on boot speed.
  • Stopped limiting tree growth (not worth the performance hit).

8.1.4 Updates

  • Fixed break/build permission for /trust public claims.
  • Streamlined player lookup by name.
  • More detailed logs for failures to create the initial database connection.

8.1.3 Updates

  • Fixed a mistake for DB-mode servers where the UUID migration would convert land claims to administrative unnecessarily.

8.1.2 Updates

  • Updated UUID migration code to accommodate offline-mode servers.