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UploadedFeb 17, 2024
Size354.74 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.20.5-Snapshot
- 1.20.4
- 1.20.3-Snapshot
- 1.20.3
- 1.20.2
- 1.20.1
- 1.20
- 1.19.4
- 1.19.3
- 1.19.2
- 1.19.1
- 1.19
Compatible with CraftBukkit and derivatives 1.19 or later.
To handle signs, the API has been upgraded to spigot api 1.20. However, Materials from 1.19 are supported, so theoretically this should be compatible with 1.19.
What's Changed
- Add overload for friendly AnimalTamer name fetch by @Jikoo in #2022
- Pass ignition by players to BlockBreakEvent handler by @Jikoo in #2050
- Resolve UUID strings when matching players by @Jikoo in #2045
- Update soft depends to include CommandHelper by @malonnnn in #2043
- Clean up entity damage handling by @Jikoo in #2040
- Allow fluids to flow between claims of the same owner by @FreeMonoid in #1218
- protect iron doors and trapdoors, too (for purpur servers) by @BillyGalbreath in #2068
- Option to show claim owner in TrustListHeader by @akdukaan in #1899
- remove unused accrual permissions by @RoboMWM in #2074
- Prevent passive mobs from picking up death drops by @Jikoo in #2071
- Improve re-drawing existing visualizations by @Jikoo in #2081
- Use economy's format for currency by @Jikoo in #2084
- Fix potion thrower potentially being spammed denial by @Jikoo in #2083
- Restrict modifying signs by @Jikoo in #2080
- Handle ignited entities melting powdered snow by @Jikoo in #2082
- Avoid using Inventory.getHolder() in hopper check by @nouish in #2086
- Don't use global firespread rules for wilderness TNT ignition by @Jikoo in #2089
- create first claim only in survival by @akdukaan in #2098
- cleaner readme v2 by @QarthO in #2109
- Attempt fix header image by @QarthO in #2114
- Fix command usage casing by @Jikoo in #2132
- Fix Tameable protections by @Jikoo in #2131
- Do not use EnumSet for Material by @Jikoo in #2127
- Don't rebuild material definitions each interaction by @Jikoo in #2143
- Removal of onTNTExitPortal by @TreemanKing in #2124
- Improve sign interaction handling by @Jikoo in #2142
- Add config option for mob projectiles changing blocks in claims by @Swordstone86 in #2099
- Fix aggressive panda handling by @Jikoo in #2144
- fix pets in legacy by @QarthO in #2198
- Fix listener registration on older servers by @Jikoo in #2209
- legacy 1.20.3/4 support - SHORT_GRASS and EntityDamageByEntity by @QarthO in #2221
Full Changelog: <tt>16.18.1...16.18.2</tt>