Grief Prevention
AUTOMATICALLY PREVENTS ALL FORMS OF GRIEF, including build/break, theft, spam, fire, spawn camping, lava dumping, chat trolling, advertising and more, so you don't have to undo any damage after the fact. It even teaches players how to use it so you don't have to! No configuration or database required. Stop responding to grief and prevent it instead. Grief Prevention will solve your grief problems without requiring you to manage a roster of trained administrators, juggle 10 different anti-grief plugins, take away cool standard game features, publish a training manual / tutorial for players, or add explanatory signs to your world. You can also choose to integrate PvP elements into build design to finally get a PvP experience befitting a sandbox game about creative building.
Grief Prevention stops grief before it starts automatically without any effort from administrators, and with very little (self service) effort from players. Solve all your grief problems with a single download, no database, and no configuration step.
Got a question or found some random bug? Check the documentation!
Got a problem or bug you can reliably reproduce? Or a feature request? Report it on the issue tracker!
Also, you might be able to catch me/others on the #GriefPrevention IRC channel for help (please state your question and exercise patience if you use this option).
Downloads for older Minecraft Versions
You may also view recent update notes on Github
The Manual
Feature List
Yes, everything is customizable.
- No database or world backups required.
- Extremely efficient CPU / RAM usage.
- Land claims are easy to manage.
- Players create and manage their own land claims, so you don't have to do it for them.
- New players get automatic claims around their first chests so they're protected even if they don't know how to create land claims yet.
- Players who ask for help in chat get an instant link to a demonstration video.
- Resizing claims and creating new claims is done with ONLY the mouse, no slash commands (slash commands are also available).
- When a player appears to be building something nice outside his claim, he's warned and shown his claim boundaries.
- Claim boundaries are easy to see, and don't require any client-side mod installation.
- Extremely easy-to-remember, single-parameter slash commands for giving other players permissions.
- Claim subdivision and granular permissions are available to organize towns and cities. Watch this video.
- It's IMPOSSIBLE to grief a land claim. Watch this video.
- No building or breaking.
- No stealing from ANY containers.
- No sleeping in beds.
- No button/lever usage.
- No adjusting redstone repeaters or other configurable blocks.
- No pushing blocks in with pistons.
- No pulling blocks out with pistons.
- No TNT damage (including cannons).
- No creeper damage.
- No explosive damage from other plugins, like Extra Hard Mode or Magic Spells.
- No enderman/silverfish block changes.
- All doors may be automatically locked (optional, see config file).
- No killing or luring animals away.
- No stealing water (e.g. buckets).
- No trampling crops by players, animals, or monsters.
- No building overtop, all claims reach to the max build height.
- No placing or breaking paintings / item frames / armor stands, etc.
- Fluids will not flow into a claim from outside.
- No placing blocks via TNT/Sand/Gravel cannon.
- Pets and death loot are protected.
- Players can't pick up what another player dropped on death without permission.
- All types of pets are protected everywhere, even outside of land claims (can be configured per-world).
- Excellent anti-spam protection
- Warns, then mutes, then may kick or ban spammers (configurable - you choose).
- Most spammers get only one message out before they're muted.
- Blocks server advertising (IP addresses).
- Blocks repeat message spam.
- Blocks ASCII art (ex. Nyan Cats) spam.
- Blocks similar message spam.
- Blocks unreadable (gibberish) message spam.
- Blocks CAPS.
- Blocks macro spam (very different messages in quick succession).
- Blocks login/logout spam, even when the spammer has multiple accounts.
- Blocks death spam.
- Blocks bot team spam.
- Blocks slash command spam, including /tell, /emote, and any more you add.
- Wilderness Protection and Rollback
- Fire doesn't spread or destroy blocks.
- Creepers and other explosions don't destroy blocks above sea level.
- TNT doesn't destroy blocks above sea level.
- No planting trees on platforms in the sky ("tree grief").
- Instant, point and click nature restoration for not-claimed areas. Watch this video.
- Insanely easy and fast fixes for penises, swastikas, and anything else unsightly.
- Point at what you don't like and click, and it's fixed. Even from far away.
- Never accidentally changes blocks inside land claims.
- No need to investigate who built it, who broke it, or when they did it.
- Doesn't matter if the griefer built with "natural" blocks, it will still be fixed.
- No database.
- No backups.
- No chunk regeneration (it's dangerous for technical reasons).
- Fixes bad chunk generations, like floating islands. It will be better than new.
- Fills holes, even next to water to correct big spills.
- Smooths noisy terrain.
- No griefer construction is safe. If it's unnatural enough to be noticeable by players, it will be removed or filled-in.
- Land claims can't be used as a griefing tool.
- It's impossible to get a player "stuck" inside a land claim.
- Land claims beyond the first require a golden shovel.
- Minimum claim size prevents sprinkling small claims to annoy other players.
- Max claim allowance grows with time played on the server, and can't be cheated by idling.
- A simple administrative slash command will instantly remove all of a griefer's claims, no matter where they are.
- Catches clever griefers.
- Enhances the /ban command to ban ALL a griefer's accounts (not just his IP address).
- Logs sign placements.
- /SoftMute command to shut down chat trolls without them knowing they're beaten.
- Abridged chat logs make reviewing what happened while you were away super-quick and easy.
- Automatically mutes new-to-server players who use racial or homophobic slurs.
- PvP Protections.
- When PvP is off, no setting fire or dumping lava near other players.
- Absolutely bullet-proof anti-spawn-camping protection including bed respawns, which requires no configuration.
- No logging out, stashing items, or using plugin teleportation to escape combat.
- Optional siege mode, to answer players who hide in their claimed houses to avoid combat.
- Supports your server growth.
- Permit players to exchange server currency for claim blocks (requires configuration and other plugins).
- Grant claim blocks automatically for votes, donations, etc (console command provided, other plugins required).
Please Vote for Grief Prevention
I've also posted Grief Prevention on the Spigot site, where plugins are ranked based on reviews. If you love GP, please take a couple of minutes to give GP your rating and leave a short review. Better rating and positive reviews will help server owners who look for plugins on the Spigot site make the safe choice (GP) instead of downloading something sketchy or incomplete. :) Thanks so much for all your support!
Got a question or found some random bug? Check the documentation!
Got a problem or bug you can reliably reproduce? Or a feature request? Report it on the issue tracker!
Also, you might be able to catch me/others on the #GriefPrevention IRC chat channel for help (please state your question and exercise patience if you use this option).
Links to the manuals are all invalid.. Curious as to what the Accrued Idle Threshold in config does
How can I make a subdivide claim that doesn't claim upper levels? Making a market is pretty hard if players can have access to the upper floors
In reply to smokedhamtaro:
Every time I place a chest, a land claim is created around it and I want to stop it. How can I fix it?
In reply to caromayumi:
if i don't claim a certain land, is it still protected against fire damage/spreading?
In reply to caromayumi:
In reply to bigpresh:
in My Beastnode server we put it in the folder for plugins and it doesnt work idk why we have world edit working but Greif Prevention Decides not to work
In reply to Gurgen8or:
In reply to bigpresh:
In reply to Forge_User_51753929:
can claimed land receive an external redstone signal? if not, this is the best anti grief plugin i ever see
In reply to Ktreus:
In reply to The_PC_Tech_Guy:
Has the plugin been updated for compatibility with 1.12?
In reply to Forge_User_89337881:
work on 1.11? in my server not work
In reply to Forge_User_27777095:
Here's a tutorial on how to use the commands (its german and english)