So much dependency #4

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to sirtylerm
  • _ForgeUser11239851 created this issue May 12, 2013

    Could you please make an independent plugin because I don't really know that much about sprout. Thank you 😊

  • _ForgeUser11239851 added the tags New Enhancment May 12, 2013
  • _ForgeUser7947984 posted a comment May 13, 2013

    I'm going to assume that you mean "spoutplugin," not Sprout (which is a completely different plugin relating to custom plants).

    No, it's not possible.  Almost all of the plugin's features require spoutplugin to use.  If you're really desperate to avoid spoutplugin, I believe the plugin CrackShot offers grenade-based stuff that doesn't rely on spoutplugin, although obviously it won't be as fancy as this plugin since it doesn't use spoutplugin.

    Spoutplugin is very easy to use.  Simply put spoutplugin into your plugins folder, then log into the server with the spoutcraft client.

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