This plugin is a addon for the plugin, It hooks into Grief-Prevention and only allows worldedit inside of a claim that is owned by the person doing the command. Theres also a group called Bypass, users in that group have access to use worldedit outside of claims. This plugin overrides OP and any permissions plugin. This plugin requires java 6 or higher. It works on Linux, Mac and Windows.
There are no commands atm. The config reloads itself after any command is peformed.
This plugin only requires to work.
Here is the config and how you configure it.
Settings: # Messages DenyMsg: '&8[&Anti-Worldedit&8] &7You can only use worldedit inside of a claim that is yours' # Use plugin metrics, sends statistics about this plugin pluginMetrics: 'true' # Players who can bypass this plugin, USE ONLY UUID OF PLAYERS NOT USERNAMES, GRAB PLAYERS UUID ON Bypass: - 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # Worlds it will block worldedit commands Worlds: - world # Commands to block that must be inside of their claim WorldEditCmds: - wand - replace - undo - redo - set
Feature requests
Is this plugin missing some feature you want ?, feel free to leave a comment or pm me.
Plugin metrics
This plugin uses Plugin metrics.
Here is the data being sent and recived:
Plugin version, Java version, OS, Server country, Sysetm cores, Sysetm Arch, What server version you have, If you use Spigot or Bukkit etc, and if you use Online mode,
Anyone can see the data, i will use it to improve performance, see if anyone use it etc.
It can be disabled in the config. Heres the link to the Plugin metrics page with data about the plugin Plugin metrics page
The last version of this project was posted 4 years ago so it probably won't get any updates any time soon.
I have made a version (same code, same config) of this plugin but with bug fixes and added permissions (tested on 1.15)
For people wondering, you can specify what worldedit commands to stop yourself in the configs of both plugins.;
Is thisbgoung to be updated to 1.15? Currently it's not working
I would like to up this :
Excellent plugin! Confirmed this still works with spigot 1.13.2, thank you
cyl by-passes claims, not sure if this is a bug or not.
I haven't tested all the other comments yet.
Is it possible to add worldedit command ourselves ? like cut copy paste ? Great plugin btw !
OMG lol, thanks for telling me.
Fyi you do know you've been spelling "grief" wrong the entire time...