Gravity Lift
Gravity Lift
Gravity Lift is a plugin that can be used for official servers, or fun! It is fully configurable so you can change what you like! When you step on the block you set, defaulting to Lapis Lazuli, you get launched where you're looking however far you set it to!
YouTube Tutorial/Showcase
Gravity Lift Server
Want to try out Gravity Lift? Try it on our Hub server!
- IP:
- gl.use - Use the Gravity Lifts
- - Plugin information command.
- gl.reload - Reload plugin
- gl.config - Plugin information command.
- gl.sign - Create edit signs.
- gl.fireblock - Shoot Gravity Lifts everywhere! :D
- /gl - Plugin information.
- /gl help - Main help command.
- /gl reload - Reload the plugin + config.
- /gl config - Edit the config in-game.
Installation and Support
Install this plugin by downloading it and putting it in your server's plugins folder. Then, restart or reload the server. If you have any bugs, suggestions or errors please post them in the comments, and paste errors using
There are tons of configurable options.
blockID: 22 velocityMultiplier: 7.0 cancelFallDamage: true effects: [] sounds: []
You can change these in the config, or even better, in game!
- /gl config
- Use the command above to get the help on the config. You can add sounds, effects, and tons more!
- /gl config set sounds <sound1>,<sound2>,<sound3> ...
- /gl config set effects <effect1>,<effect2>,<effect3> ...
- /gl config set cancelFallDamage <true|false>
- /gl config set blockID <Item ID>
- /gl config set velocityMultiplier <1.0|2.0|3.0|4.0|5.0> ...
- Lastly, you can check the values of the config.
- /gl config check <sounds|effects|cancelFallDamage|blockID|velocityMultiplier>
Special Signs
- You can also set the velocity of a SINGLE Gravity Lift by typing the following on a sign! (Edit the velocity.)
- You can put a sign above a block, so that only the player on the sign can use it.
- You can launch Gravity Lifts everywhere! :D
- Below is a list of all the effects and sounds you can use.
List of Effects
- click2
- click1
- bowfire
- doortoggle
- extinguish
- recordplay
- ghastshriek
- ghastshoot
- blazeshoot
- zombiechewwoodendoor
- zombiechewirondoor
- zombiedestroydoor
- smoke
- stepsound
- potionbreak
- endersignal
- mobspawnerflames
List of Sounds
- ambiencecave
- ambiencerain
- ambiencethunder
- anvilbreak
- anvilland
- anviluse
- arrowhit
- breath
- burp
- chestclose
- chestopen
- click
- doorclose
- dooropen
- drink
- eat
- explode
- fallbig
- fallsmall
- fire
- fireignite
- fizz
- fuse
- glass
- hurt
- hurtflesh
- itembreak
- itempickup
- lava
- lavapop
- levelup
- minecartbase
- minecartinside
- notebass
- notepiano
- notebassdrum
- notesticks
- notebassguitar
- notesnaredrum
- notepling
- orbpickup
- pistonextend
- pistonretract
- portal
- portaltravel
- portaltrigger
- shootarrow
- splash
- splash2
- stepgrass
- stepgravel
- stepladder
- stepsand
- stepsnow
- stepstone
- stepwood
- stepwool
- swim
- water
- woodclick
- batdeath
- bathurt
- batidle
- batloop
- battakeoff
- blazebreath
- blazedeath
- blazehit
- cathiss
- cathit
- catmeow
- catpurr
- catpurreow
- chickenidle
- chickenhurt
- chickeneggpop
- chickenwalk
- cowidle
- cowhurt
- cowwalk
- creeperhiss
- creeperdeath
- enderdragondeath
- enderdragongrowl
- enderdragonhit
- enderdragonwings
- endermandeath
- endermanhit
- endermanidle
- endermanteleport
- endermanscream
- endermanstare
- ghastscream
- ghastscream2
- ghastcharge
- ghastdeath
- ghastfireball
- ghastmoan
- irongolemdeath
- irongolemhit
- irongolemthrow
- irongolemwalk
- magmacubewalk
- magmacubewalk2
- magmacubejump
- pigidle
- pigdeath
- pigwalk
- sheepidle
- sheepshear
- sheepwalk
- silverfishhit
- silverfishkill
- silverfishidle
- silverfishwalk
- skeletonidle
- skeletondeath
- skeletonhurt
- skeletonwalk
- slimeattack
- slimewalk
- slimewalk2
- spideridle
- spiderdeath
- spiderwalk
- witherdeath
- witherhurt
- witheridle
- withershoot
- witherspawn
- wolfbark
- wolfdeath
- wolfgrowl
- wolfhowl
- wolfhurt
- wolfpant
- wolfshake
- wolfwalk
- wolfwhine
- zombiemetal
- zombiewood
- zombiewoodbreak
- zombieidle
- zombiedeath
- zombiehurt
- zombieinfect
- zombieunfect
- zombieremedy
- zombiepigidle
- zombiepigangry
- zombiepigdeath
- zombiepighurt
- digwool
- diggrass
- diggravel
- digsand
- digsnow
- digstone
- digwood
thanks ^_^
You will be able to change the block, so you can make it a block that isn't in vanilla Minecraft if you want. Coming out soon.
May want to add in the next version a command to set a lift.
Just downloaded it!
Thanks bro! Your awesome!
It's out now!
Cool thanks, and also do u know when it will be out?
New file will remove fall damage. Just uploaded it, it's being approved.
Yes I am working on that right now. I have it up in the Planning section in the description ^.
Do u think that u could add where u don't take fall damage when shot the the gravity lift?
I will! I need it for my server so I will need to update it anyway.
Nice added feature to my server that my players love.
please keep it updated when it needs it, I hate it when my plugins die out.
Version 1.2 is being approved. Added potion effect on launch! Should be out soon.
oh ok cool, thanks!
I am making the launch block configurable, so you can make it whatever you want. That'll be in the next update.
Can u ad a red launch pad to? Like a redstone block.
Thanks! Right now the sound is stepping on wool, (STEP_WOOL). Blue potion effect is a good idea :o I'll test that out. And yeah, gives a use to Lapis blocks xD.
Wow, really nice idea. I love it! If you can add blue potion effects coming from the block that would be sick. o_O
Also make a sound for launching you, test out sounds and see what would fit in. :)
You totally made a useful idea for Lapis Blocks if you continue this! <3