Eliminate floating treetops with the power of GraviTree!
ONLY trees. ALL tree types. Even branches!
This is a forked version of Big_Scary's GraviTree plugin, which is published as a replacement for the Falling Logs feature that is currently removed in ExtraHardMode (another one of Big_Scary's old plugins).
Watch the very short video above for a quick demonstration!
Brings high trunk blocks within easy reach. When a player removes a layer from a tree trunk, the rest of the trunk falls down to fill the gap. Lazy players don't even have the option to leave blocks hanging in the air. With the log blocks removed, leaf blocks gradually decay on their own.
Branch blocks fall, too! Large oak and jungle trees are the worst - even well-meaning players often overlook branch blocks obscured by leaves. GraviTree ensures branch blocks fall to the ground, even when they're not directly connected to the tree trunk by other branch blocks.
Works with ALL tree types. Jagged acacia trees, large oak trees with disconnected branches, fat-and-tall jungle trees... all trees chop cleanly. Even fells the new tree types introduced by EpicWorldGenerator!
Player-placed logs are safe. GraviTree examines the area around a potential "tree", and won't apply gravity to logs when player block types are nearby. Even tree houses are safe.
Cool animation. Shortly after you install the plugin, many players will run out and chop trees just for the fun of watching the blocks cascade down. :)
Toggle-able per player. Any player who doesn't like it may toggle it off for himself with a slash command. And GraviTree informs players about the slash command the first time they see the plugin in action, so you don't have to tell them about it. Don't like it? You can disable the player option to leave tree blocks hanging in the air in the config file.
Messages are customizable. You may customize the message GraviTree sends to players in the config file.
To install, just copy GraviTree.jar into your plugins folder and either reboot your server or /reload.
By default, all players get the benefit of GraviTree. If you'd prefer to make it available to only some of your players using the gravitree.chop permission node, there's an option in your config file for that.
/TreesFall toggles gravity for log blocks in trees. The setting is per-player.
"The Plan" was to have GraviTree *only* work on an "Extra Hard Mode" world, NOT be toggle, and cause damage. Since I am not clear how to have this set in that way, I have the following config:
All Players Have Permission: true
#Chop Mode Defaults ON: true
Chop Mode Defaults ON: false
Chop Toggle Info: You can toggle falling tree blocks with /TreesFall.
Chop Toggle On: Falling tree blocks enabled.
Chop Toggle Off: Falling tree blocks disabled.
Players Can Disable: true
#LogsOnlyFallInOverworld: true
LogsOnlyFallInOverworld: false
#FallingLogsDamagePlayers: false
FallingLogsDamagePlayers: true
If there is a means to get the effect, I would be happy to be further edumacated.
In reply to RomaqRosher:
Use per-world permissions to accomplish this.
Great plugin!
can you make the more bottom block of tree is, the more it will be harder to break him?
In reply to rainheiferss:
What are you trying to ask?
Any chance you could bring the leaves down with the branches? One other tree plugin does so, and it's really a nice feature. But the log drops on GraviTree are the best.
In reply to SlimeDog:
Love the animation. Thanks for bringing this along with the other Big_Scary plugins.
Are you planning to host it on Spigot?
In reply to SlimeDog:
Only if there's a significant demand I guess or if I decide to innovate on it (no plans of mine to change much in here), as it's a bit tiresome to update both bukkit and spigot. If you'd like you can host for me like Spooner is with PopulationDensity. (And I have the bbcode from the original posting to make that process a lot easier.)
In reply to The_PC_Tech_Guy: