Factions support? / Graves automatically desappearing #11

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser7254720
  • _ForgeUser12736948 created this issue Dec 13, 2013

    Hello. I wanna know if it's possible to add Factions support, cause i want the players to have access to GraveStone chests even if they are in enemy territory, otherwise, you go to the enemy faction territory, kill everybody, but can't take the loot cause the area is protected..
    Really bad, don't you think?
    Please, add it, i don't think i'm the unique needing it.

    Also, you can add a feature to remove graves from map automatically after a time set by the user... just saying.

  • _ForgeUser12736948 added the tags New Enhancment Dec 13, 2013

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