Governance has just been released!
I have just released this plugin, and it can be downloaded here. To install it you will need a MySQL server set up, Vault installed on your server, and an economy plugin that works with Vault. Just extract the .zip file into your server's plugins folder then run it once to generate the config file, shut your server down and set up the MySQL database information in the config. Once this is done you should be able to run your server and the plugin will be running!
Basic Idea
This plugin uses a system of kingdoms and fiefs meaning that there will be two types of land claims. One will be owned by a kingdom, and the other will be owned by a single person(these will be called fiefs). Only the owner of a fief will be able to build there unlike the kingdom land claims where anyone in the kingdom can build.
We came up with this idea because we did not like how factions allows for faction members to grief each other. We also did not like the fact that Grief Prevention gave little room for groups to work together on things. This new system of land claims will give an easy way to work both ways making PVP fun and working with friends fun as well!
NOTE: This plugin was previously named Feudalism. If you were looking for that plugin you are at the right place!
Check out the planned features list on Google Drive!
Click here for more info about the land claiming system!
Also check out our GitHub page!
How to Help
This plugin is currently in development, and there are many different ways that you can help with the project.
- Help to code various parts of the plugin
- Migrate our Google Docs to the GitHub wiki
- Make suggestions of things to add to the plugin
this plugin sounds awesome, im going to try it out as soon as I can get on my PC but just a quick question would there be a way to use permissions so only the rank of someone such as a king could use it would this be possible I know its pry a lot but I love the idea
The name of this plugin needs to be changed to meet Bukkit project requirements. This is because there is an existing plugin with the name Feudalism. If anyone has a suggestion for a name it would be greatly appreciated. If I do not have a name by Wednesday this page will no longer exist. If that happens I will relaunch the project once I have a name for it.
It has been submitted through Bukkit, but I am currently working on getting the project itself approved, and it could take some time. You can download it from here if you would like to try it before the project is officially approved.
Have you summit a first version throught Bukkit so people would be able to download and test it ?
I just uploaded the first version of this plugin! This version is definitely not worthy of being run on a server, but if you would lie to test it and report errors I would appreciate that a lot! Suggestions are also welcome. Please note that many key features have not yet been implemented in this version. For example I have not added the ability to have a fief inside kingdom land. This will be added soon, but at the moment it is no there.
If you would like to help with translating the plugin to other languages please do. There is a messages.txt file inside the .zip file that I have uploaded. I will post a detailed explanation of how this file works soon.
I look forward to seeing suggestions and comments from you guys! Any information is appreciated.
I doubt if I will integrate an anti-spam feature. While I do think ant-spam is an important feature for a server it has nothing to do with land claiming/clan systems. This should be covered by chat related or general purpose plugins instead.
Thanks for supporting the plugin. I am relying on people like you to get this plugin off the ground once it is released :)
I really like the idea of your plugin, keep going buddy! I can't wait to test this plugin. I think you put the finger exactly on what Grief Prevention is missing.
May I ask if you expect to take some "open source" code of Grief Prevention to add the very appreciate anti-spam system for the chat? I think it might be a little bit of work and stray from the main root of your plugin but it would allow it to avoid running an extra plugin over to cover this feature. I am not asking for a proper chat system, but just that feature of anti-spam.
Otherwise, I will continue following this plugin to see how it progress! Good luck!
I love this idea!
In fact, I've been speaking to some of my friends about putting something like this on my server. My only problem was, I didn't have a plugin, nor a bunch of willing plugin devs.
Pm me on skype
Ill tell you some of my ideas, and what I personally think would be really cool
Btw, release is coming up soon :D Development is going really well, and I just need to work out a few things yet before I release it.
NOTE: The first release will definitely not be public server worthy. It will be released mainly just to let people see how it will work, and so that I can get feedback on my work.
Although I speak decent Korean, I'm not fluent. Definitely not translator worthy ;)
I've used creeper heal so I see what you're getting at better now :)
I also plan to add language pack support sometime also. Once that is done you should be able to translate it to Korean if you want to do that.
I forgot to say, PreciousStones had the idea right, but in actuality it's super buggy. Lots of blocks didn't replace correctly. Creeperheal replaces blocks correctly on explosions so I know it's possible, just PS must have rushed the config a little. Either way, the system GriefPrevention uses is fine too. I'm using GriefPrevention with SimpleClans on my server as a temporary setup while eagerly awaiting this :)
I've used Hamachi before but it was so long ago I don't even remember anything about it. I actually live in Korea (me and my friend run a server for foreigners out here) so the time difference could be an issue but sure, I'd be down.
I am not setting any release date, but estimate of within a week for a rough alpha build to be released. This will only include the very core features such as land claiming, kingdoms, etc.
Thanks for the siege suggestion. I have never actually used precious stones, but I will definitely look into that idea :)
I currently do not have a donation method set up. This is because I do not have a paypal account, credit card, etc. I might be setting something up soon for this, but for now I am not receiving donations... *cries at the thought of turning down money* lol
If you are willing to test before the actual release I could use some help with testing things on my LAN server. You would need hamachi to connect to the server. If you need any help with that let me know. :)
This looks perfect! I don't like factions, I love Grief Prevention (especially with the built in siege system), and I like something like Simple Clans... but it's buggy right now and not even working right with PreciousStones. My suggestion for the 'siege' system you said you wanted to implement... I really liked the "Grief Revert" blocks in precious stones. It makes a field where everything you place in there can be destroyed, but will be reverted back after you either click the block or a set interval. This way you can siege anyone at any time, but they won't actually be permanently griefed. Server owners could set the config file to allow which blocks can/can't be destroyed in this manner in claims for their server.
Can you give an idea when this will be released? Or is there a workable version I could help test with? If it means you spending more time on a sooner full release, I'm sure I could be inclined to donate! :)
Just realized I have been spelling Feudalism wrong... Gotta fix that :P lol
I would like ideas on how to let people know where claims are. Currently I have it sending the person a notification whenever they enter or leave a claim. This is working fine, but this method could causes much more lag than I would like.
I did some simple math and found that if there are 20 players online at all times and all of them are moving at walking speed you would end up with about 160 database requests per second or 13,824,000 requests per day. This is far more than a lot of high end web servers get; for example, Wikipedia gets about 150 requests per second for each of their 300 servers. At the same time these servers contain a lot more data than your average Minecraft server would have meaning that the performance impact would be a lot less than what it sounds like.
Basic summary for those of you who don't fell like reading:
I am looking for methods of showing players where different claims are that would be less laggy than showing them a message whenever they enter a claim.
I have found a way to cut these numbers in half :D We are now at about 80 requests per second which is a lot, but a lot better than 160. These figures are based off of 20 players online constantly moving without braking/placing blocks or sprinting.
Originally the plan was to make it an extension for grief prevention to add a system kind of like factions.
The plan has changed though, and it is a completely separate plugin. Check the docs for more info about how it will work.
would this be an extension to factions, or just a new plugin that combines factions and griefprevention?
Currently the plan is to fix all major bugs in the code and add economy integration, and after that I will release an alpha build. I'm not gonna give an ETA for when it will be finished, but keep checking back here over the next week or so for a download.
If anyone here is skilled with graphic design I would like to add some graphics to this page. I would like a banner and several buttons + maybe some other things in the future. If anyone would like to do this message me for more details of what is needed. :)
ps. yep, the fact that I am now looking for graphics means we are getting close to the initial alpha release. :D