
# Here are all of the configurable messages for the Goodnight plugin by Dreeass.
# Color codes can be used.
# &0 Black &a Bright Green
# &1 Dark Blue &b Aqua
# &2 Dark Green &c Red
# &3 Dark Aqua &d Pink
# &4 Dark Red &e Yellow
# &5 Purple &f White
# &6 Gold
# &7 Gray
# &8 Dark Gray
# &9 Indigo
# Other codes that can be used:
# %player The player entering a bed.
# %time The time configured in Time-After-Entering-Bed
# Time-After-Entering-Bed requires can contain decimals and the given number is in seconds.

# When a player skipped the night this will be broadcasted to the server.
Broadcast: '&6%player&e skipped the night by going to bed!'
# When a player that goes in a bed without the skip permission he will get the following message.
No-Permission: '&7You cannot skip the night by yourself so everyone has to go to bed.'
# The time in seconds between entering the bed and skipping the night.
Time-After-Entering-Bed: 5
# Send the player a message when he got the permission telling him what's configured in Tell-On-Enter. true/false
Tell-On-Enter: true
# The message that the player will recieve when entering the bed with the skip permission.
Tell-On-Enter-Message: '&7The night will skip in &6%time &7seconds.'
# The message the player will get when he skipped the night.
Tell-Player: '&7You skipped the night by going to bed!'

NOTE: The apostrophes ' ' are necessary else it will give an error and disable itself!


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