Supported Bukkit Versions
- Fixed an issue causing priests not to be selected (Bad one)
- Fixed errors in consoles when having no priests
- Fixed "Holy Feast" (eating) quests
- Fixed punishment for killing holy mob
- Fixed issue preventing players interacting in Holy Lands when the player does NOT have the gods.holyland permision node
- Changed food blessings to only be the Gods holy food
- Removed the plain "Build Altars" quest type. Too sucky, too easy to abuse.
- Gods no longer spam when rewarding items for quests
- Removed the "weak speak" for Gods with less than 3 believers. (The whisperings)
- Added axes as item blessing
- Fixed issue with eat timer (Preventing players to eat too often for rewards)
- Gods now say player names in CAPS when they are angry
- Removed cake as holy/cursed food. The Cake object is too different to be handled alongside other food types.
- Added cooked fish as holy/cursed food.
- Added carrot as holy/cursed food.
- Sacrifices are now enabled by default in config
- Gods are now slightly faster in choosing their priests
- Corrected spelling mistakes in language file. Please delete english.yml and let the plugin re-generate it!