Supported Bukkit Versions
- Support for PermissionsEX and GroupManager. Support for other managers can be added on request.
- Removed the /g alias: It was causing too many conflicts.
- Implemented /gods kick
- Implemented /gods pvp. Unfortunatly it does pretty much nothing atm...
- Implemented /gods
- Made the LanguageFile option appear in the config file (about time...)
- Config options for defining reward items given for completing quests.
- Better handling of players detroying altars within other Gods Holy Land.
- Better detection of who is sacrificing what items to which God. Still not quite there yet...
- Abandoned holylands are now automatically cleaned from holyland.yml config
- Public religions are now called "Religions", private religions are called "Sects"
- Config option for breakable block types within holy lands: Destroying altars will remove the holyland protetion!
- Removed lightning attacks against mobs: Too dangerous for people in wood houses!
- Gods now say the specific name of the item they are blessing their believers with