This mod simply allows Operators and Server Admins to check who is playing with creative mode on by using /crlist (/crl) command. You can also list players with survival by use of /sulist(/sul). If you find any bugs please let me know by commenting this page or by a ticket.
Thank you, guys for the 4027( + downloads!!
Version for 1.2.5 - R2.0 Will be up soon.
1.5.5 Out!
- /crl,/crlist - Lists players with creative.
- /sul,/sulist - Lists players with survival.
- /gms,/gmc - Changes Your own GameMode to survival(/gms) or creative(/gmc) Requires Op or Gmlist.canSet.survival / .creative
- Logs gamemode changes.(LogGMChanges: true)
- Stops gamemode changes to creative when a player hasnt got op or Gmlist.canHave.creative permission.(Requires BlockCreativeWithoutPermOrOp in config true!)
- Logs whenever someone tries the /gm,/gamemode and /creative command. Logs the message itself so it can be easily seen who tried to change who's gm.
- Supports Permissions(SuperPerms - PermissionsBukkit, bPermissions, PEX, Essentials GroupManager)
Game and Plugin version
Plugin(Beta): 1.5.5 supports Bukkit 1.2.5-R1.0 - #2149(Recommended build). But I can export this plugin on any version you want so If you run an old server and you want to use it simply write a comment.
- /crlist - Lists players with creative mode on. (/crl) Requires op or Gmlist.list permission node.
- /crl - Lists players with creative mode on.(/crlist) Requires op or Gmlist.list permission node.
- /sulist - Lists players with survival mode on. (/sul) Requires op or Gmlist.list permission node.
- /sul - Lists players with survival mode on.(/sulist) Requires op or Gmlist.list permission node.
- Gmlist.*: description: Player with this permission can have and set(not yet implemented) gamemodes... children: Gmlist.canHave.creative Gmlist.list
- Gmlist.canHave.creative: description: Player with this permission can have Creative. default: OP
- Gmlist.canSet.creative: description: Player with this permission can set himself on Creative. default: OP
- Gmlist.canSet.survival: description: Player with this permission can set himself on Survival. default: OP
- Gmlist.list: description: Allows a player to lists players with creative (/crl,/sul,/crlist,/sulist) default: OP
You can download the source code on my Github.
Planned features
- Add option to setup permissions. [DONE]
- Add config to have a place to store setup. [DONE]
- Add option to log Gamemode changes(to creative only maybe) [DONE]
- You can download it right here or from my github. Newest version gonna be always here(1.5.5). Because it takes time for the file to be displayed here.
- Testing version: Updated everytime I change something. It cant be even called Alpha. Gmlist.jar
Default config
LogGMChanges: true //If true, logs whenever a player changes his GameMode 1 --> 0 OR 0 --> 1 Debug: true //Sends debug messages to console(helps when solving problems) LogGMCommands: true //Logs whenever someone tries to use a (/gm,/gamemode,/creative) command.(Logs the command itself so you can see who changed whos gamemode. OpsCanHaveCreative: true //If true Ops can have Creative(But if false and usePerms is true and the player has the permission to have creative it will not block him.) usePermissions: true //If true uses Permissions(SuperPerms,PermissionsEx).SuperPerms supports Essentials GroupManager. BlockCreativeWithoutPermOrOp: false // Very Important setting, if true blocks players without op OR Gmlist.canHave.creative permissions having creative game mode.
Very very very good plugin! Useful to track hackers! Still works... But an update would be nice :)
Update it, please. Add adventure GameMod
Depending on your permissions plugin, yes. Some plugins (like GroupManager) give you the option to set world mirrors. This will allow you to set permissions for a group of worlds. In this case, you wont need to set the permissions again. Other plugins group all worlds together, so you will not have to set permissions for each world. And some plugins will not group any worlds, in which case you will have to set permissions.
THis is a great plugin I have been using it for months andit still works great. One question I am working on setting up a creative world with multiverse will I have to set multi-world permissions so my players can be creative in the new world?
I love you, the BlockCreativeWithoutPermOrOp feature is amazing. Thank you so much.
Thank you!
Thanks for this sweet plugin! I found someone in a survival world building with unlimited protection-stones this morning with it =D he had some kind of creative hack, or my server bugged and didn't switch his gm from the creative world. Anyways thanks for this sweet plugin!
Fuuuh I just found out that this is kinda impossible right now... Maybe I can log gm changes to some .yml file and then load gamemodes of offline players out of that.
Yeah sure! Can make a command for that. Any ideas about the syntax of the command? /sul offline - Lists only offline survival players. /sul - Lists only online survival players.
Great plugin, works as advertised. One question: is it possible to create a list of creative players that are offline?
Yes, I did a complete server restart, still empty. Deleted, still empty. Tried on my test server, that's the only plugin running, same result. Sure, I can use that config; just want to make sure the bugs are reported.
Do you tried reloading the server? And can you try to Manually paste the content of this: inside config.yml
Hey, try deleting the config.yml. It should load it again. A new one..
Hmm, Gonna have a look at it. But I have no idea why this is happening.
No config. It created the Gmlist folder and config.yml, but the file is empty
2012-04-06 11:11:58 [INFO] [Gmlist] Enabling Gmlist v1.5.1
2012-04-06 11:11:58 [INFO] [Gmlist 1.5.1] Plugin by J08nY.
2012-04-06 11:11:58 [INFO] [Gmlist 1.5.1] DEBUG : Found PermissionsEx!
2012-04-06 11:11:58 [INFO] [Gmlist 1.5.1] DEBUG : Succesfully hooked to them!
2012-04-06 11:11:58 [INFO] Loaded Gmlist successfully!
It shouldnt do that because I didnt changed anything in the config method.
Does it print out the DEBUG: Config OK! message?
No more error, but it creates an empty config.yml.
Okay. Try this out and let me know if it works..
Whoops! Hmm Pretty Major bug. Will fix it in 1.5.1 wait few minutes.
I get this error when loading. Using 1.2.5-R1 and PermissionsEx:
2012-04-06 10:25:14 [INFO] [Gmlist] Enabling Gmlist v1.5
2012-04-06 10:25:14 [INFO] [Gmlist 1.5] Plugin by J08nY.
2012-04-06 10:25:14 [INFO] [Gmlist 1.5] DEBUG : Found PermissionsEx!
2012-04-06 10:25:14 [INFO] [Gmlist 1.5] DEBUG : Succesfully hooked to them!
2012-04-06 10:25:14 [SEVERE] Permission node 'Gmlist.*' in plugin description file for Gmlist v1.5 is invalid
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 'children' key is of wrong type
at org.bukkit.permissions.Permission.loadPermission(
at org.bukkit.permissions.Permission.loadPermissions(
at org.bukkit.plugin.PluginDescriptionFile.getPermissions(
at ru.tehkode.permissions.bukkit.BukkitPermissions$EventListener.onPluginEnable(
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor16.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
at im.mcft.pluginreloader.PluginReloader.loadPlugin(
at im.mcft.pluginreloader.PluginReloader.onCommand(
at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute(
at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch(
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchCommand(
at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.dispatchServerCommand(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.b(
at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(
2012-04-06 10:25:14 [INFO] Loaded Gmlist successfully!