Glowstone Lanterns
Make glowstone lanterns, daytime glass & nighttime glowstone
Version: v1.0.1
With this plugin Glowstone Lanterns you can make lanterns, when it's going dark the glass of the lanterns will change in glowstone and when it's daytime it will change in glass again. The great thing is that you don't need to place a full lantern but only a glass/glowstone block, so you can use it for everyting. This plugin is very usefull for a large city to light it up, that looks really cool that the lanterns will change in glowstone! You can also place prebuilt lanterns, so that's really usefull if you want to plase a lot of lanterns in a little time. You can enable glowstone lanterns with /gl, when you place a glass or a glowstone block it is marked as a glowstone lanterns, this block will change to glowstone if it is night and to glass if it is daytime. If you use /gl l 1 you will enable prebuilt glowstone lanterns, if you place a glass or a glowstone block there will apear the prebuilt glowstone lantern you selected right there. There prebuilt lanterns are in external files, so you can make your own prebuilt lanterns and share them with other pelople.
In this video you can see how the plugin works: (Outdated Video)
- Permissions support
- Multi world support
- Place prebuilt lanterns that are located in external files, you can make them and share them with other pelople
- Possibility to create your own lanterns
- Players can only destroy lanterns if he have permission
- And a lot more!
Upcoming features
- Custommessages and color support
- In-game prebuilt lanterns creator
Player Commands
Action | Command | Permission node |
Enable build mode | /gl | |
/glowstonelantern | ||
/glowstonelanterns | ||
Enable prebuilt mode | /gl lantern <name> | |
/gl l <name> | ||
Disable prebuilt mode | /gl lantern | |
/gl l | ||
List prebuilt lanterns | /gl list lanterns | |
/gl list l | ||
View help | /gl help | |
View info | /gl info | |
Save lanterns | /gl save | |
Reload lanterns | /gl reload | glowstonelanterns.reload |
Check current version | /gl version |
Please go to the original page to find more information.
You could download Glowstone Lanterns with the link on the top-right of this page above the sidebar.
1. Download the plugin 2. Add the GlowstoneLanterns.jar file and the folder 'Glowstone Lanterns' from the downloaded .zip file to the /plugin folder of the Minecraft server. Also add the included folder 'Glowstone Lanterns' to your plugins folder. 3. Add the permissions if you have; (Look at the permissions paragraph underneath) 4. Start your game and use Glowstone Lanterns!
Action | Permission node | Default |
/gl command | | Operators |
Destroy lanterns | glowstonelanterns.destroyLanterns | Operators |
Info command | | Operators |
Save command | | Operators |
Reload command | glowstonelanterns.reload | Operators |
How to make your own prebuilt lantern
You could find the guide for this on the following page:
Page: Tutorials : How to create your own prebuilt lanterns
Suggestions, Ideas and bugs
I've you have any suggestion, ideas or bugs found. Please reply on this page or create a ticket.
Please donate some money so I can buy some coffee to make better plugins, I really like it if you give a donation!
Okay I've been using this for a long time, but at this point my world has so many lanterns that doing single updates by tick takes way too long. Is there a way you could add how MANY to update per x time? I could probably get away with 25 lights going off every tick, my server is pretty fast.
I think is not a changed ticks, i think is a problem with the update vom WorldGuard. In the log the plugin writes the correct day/night change in the console. After a time the change step by step.
Strange, I really need to figure out what the problem it, it might even be a function in bukkit wich is changed, I don't know. I can't help you for now, I'm sorry.
I was wondering if there is a issue with the plugin working with multiverse. I run a server with multiverse and my ticks in my config file, even after i change it to match sunrise and set in the main world were this plugin is mainly used, end up not matching after a few hours. And none of my admins or other owners have changed the time according to them. I didn't know if a time change in a seperate multiverse world would cause the config file ticks to be off with the main world.
Yes it works, BUT you've to change something!
I saw Glowstone Lanterns running on an 1.4.2 server. Now the only problem is that it looks like the day and time ticks are changed, I mean the time scale is different than before. This causes the problem that the glowstone will turn into g lass at night. You can easily fix it. With the in-game comamnd /time set <value> you could check when the sunset starts, remember that value, you can change the default sunset time in the config file of glowstone lanterns to the new value, you've to do the same thing with night->day, I hope you understand my message ;)
Can someone confirm that this works with 1.4.2 and cb#2400+ Thanks, snitride
No this feature is not available yet. I'll add this probably in an upcomming version, since I like the idea ;)
Are you able to place glowstone and type in a command of some sorts and then punch the glowstone to make it into a lantern instead of having to turn it on, place it, and turn it off? I got the impression that this isn't possible with the current version, but correct me if I'm wrong. If this is already available, then I will not hesitate to download the plugin.
Hey, I didn't saw your message, sorry. I wasn't able to add the code yet, I'm very busy because a lot of my other plugins need little updates too, similair to this. I'll try to make an update/patch as soon as possible.
Were you able to add that code in any way tim?
Great I'll take a look at it.
Sorry I don't fully understand your question? :$
Found it tim maybe you can use the scource code to add redstone lanterns to your plugin : )
I found a differnt lantern plugin that uses redstone lanterns but i forgot the link :(
Glowstone cool and I'm digging this plugin I'll more likely use it. But anyway to set it up to use lamps and have it set up so it switches to an active lamp at night, without using redstone to turn them on?
never mind just saw the message under me where you said that... be cool if you could do it.
Not really. You mean redstone lanterns right? they will automaticly change back to their 'off' state, so the plugin is not able to place redstone lanterns which are turned on. Sorry.
Can we replace the glasse by a close Lantern and replace glowston by an open lantern?
Ok great that it works! Thanks for your reply :)
Yes! It fixed the problem, i put 40 gls down in a area andkept switching from day to night and no fps drop! Thx for fixing the problem
Hi, as you could see I released the new version, with the delay feature. Could you please test if your problem with the lag spikes has now been fixed. You might have to tweak the delay a bit inside the config file but I think it's setup properly right now. (You don't want to turn up the delay to much, because the changing of lanterns will take too long). Please keep in mind that if you change the delay, you've to run the /reload command, the /gl reload command won't work with this delay option.