
We know there is a plugin similar to this but this plugin is VERY simple. It allows the user to Break glass and get a pickup rather than it just breaking and is a simple drag and drop into the plugins folder. While there are no commands for this plugin it is still very powerful and does what it intends to do.


glassdrops.block - Allows the server to drop glass block drops if a user has this perm

glassdrops.thin - Allows the server to drop thin glass drops if a user has this perm

glassdrops.toggle.thin - Allows the user to use /gd thin

glassdrops.toggle.block - Allows the user to use /gd block

glassdrops.notify - Allows the user to see when the drop status changes

glassdrops.check - Allows the user to use /gd check

glassdrops.reload - Allows the user to use /gd reload


/gd - By itself, it should show the help

/gd check - Shows the drop status for blocks and panes. You can use "c", "status", or "s" instead of "check".

/gd thin - toggles thin glass drops, you can use "p", "pane", or "t" instead of "thin"

/gd block - toggles glass block drops, you can use "b" instead of "block"

Both of the toggle commands toggle drops globally, not per-player.

/gd reload - Reloads the config in case you want to edit the config.yml manually. (A full server reload will overwrite the file with the old config most likely). You can use "r" instead of "reload"

Current Task

None all is fixed so far! (Please report any problems)

Change Log

Fixed message to only notify users at login rather than every broken block of glass and panes. - v1.1 worldguard compatibility - v1.1

Link to post:

How to install: Just simply drag the download into the plugins folder on your server. NOTE: this may be different for servers that are hosted externally and are accessed via FTP as it may not allow access to the plugins folder and may have a web browser mechanic.

Know Bugs: when user is not entered into permissions they can still break glass and get drops. - v1.2

Glass blocks still give drops even with "you don't have permission message" - v1.2 (Thanks to luficer for reporting)

What this plugin does: This plugin forces glass blocks to drop glass block pickups when smashed it also does the same for glass panes but drops glass pane pickups rather than glass blocks. These can be placed again to act as a static glass block or placed glass block. When again broken the same corresponding drop will occur.

Who we think will use it: We think that the server host will most likely use this after a few complaints about glass not having pickups or having seen this plugin and wanting it or someone hosting a small private server.

What we intend to do: We intend to end the problem of glass not leaving pickups once broken. (which we have done)

Is our project a library: No!


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