Most things are not working #98

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  • Defect
  • _ForgeUser16628451 created this issue Jul 3, 2016

    What steps will reproduce the problem?
    1. I Can't do /vote
    2. but /votetop is working! and /fakevote also

    What is the expected output? What do you see instead?
    Nothing when i do /vote

    What version of the product are you using?

    Do you have an error log of what happened?

    Please provide any additional information below.


    # GAListener v1.3.2

    # settings section

    # onlineonly - Only delivers rewards when the player is online. If they are offline it will wait and deliver when they next join the server!
    # luckyvote - Enables the lucky voting section, this allows voters to have a random chance to receive additional rewards when they vote.
    # permvote - Enables the permission voting section, this allows voters to receive different rewards based upon their permissions.
    # cumulative - Enables the cumulative voting section, this allows voters to receive rewards once they have reached a certain number of votes.
    # broadcastqueue - Show broadcast message for queued votes.
    # broadcastoffline - Show broadcast message for offline queued votes.
    # broadcastrecent - Show broadcast message to recent voters (last 24 hours)
    # votecommand - Enables the /vote command which will show the message contained in the votemessage section at the bottom of the config.
    # rewardcommand - Enables the /rewards command which will show a list of all the cumulative voting rewards.
    # joinmessage - Show the message contained in the joinmessage section at the bottom of this config when a player joins the server.
    # voteremind - Message players who haven't voted in the last 24 hours. Shows the message contained in the remindmessage section at the bottom of this config.
    # remindseconds - How often (in seconds) between each reminder message.
    # ratelimit - Ignore votes received within this many seconds since the last vote for the same player on the same site. This should prevent duplicate votes.
    # logfile - Log received votes to vote.log file.
    # dbMode - Database mode. Use either mysql or sqlite.
    # dbFile - Database filename for SQLite.
    # dbHost - Database IP / Hostname for MySQL.
    # dbPort - Database port for MySQL.
    # dbUser - Database username for MySQL.
    # dbPass - Database password for MySQL.
    # dbName - Database name for MySQL.
    # dbPrefix - Database table prefix.

    onlineonly: true
    luckyvote: true
    permvote: false
    cumulative: true
    broadcastqueue: true
    broadcastrecent: true
    broadcastoffline: true
    votecommand: true
    rewardcommand: false
    joinmessage: true
    voteremind: true
    remindseconds: 120
    ratelimit: 10
    logfile: false
    dbMode: 'sqlite'
    dbFile: 'GAL.db'
    dbHost: 'localhost'
    dbPort: 3306
    dbUser: 'root'
    dbPass: ''
    dbName: 'GAL'
    dbPrefix: ''

    # services section (default is used if service doesn't exist)
    # The example below would give 5 diamonds per vote.

    broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}has voted @ {GREEN}{service} {GOLD}and received {GREEN}1 Common Key!'
    playermessage: '{GREEN}Thanks for voting at {AQUA}{service}!'
    - '/crate givekey {username} Common 1'
    broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}has voted @ {GREEN} {GOLD}and received {GREEN}10 Diamonds!'
    playermessage: '{GREEN}Thanks for voting at {AQUA}{service}!'
    - '/give {username} 264 5'

    # luckyvotes section
    # The example below would give a 1 in 10 chance of a voter receiving an extra $1000, and a 1 in 50 chance of an extra $1000 and 100XP.

    broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was lucky and received {GREEN}2 extra Common Keys!'
    playermessage: '{GREEN}You were lucky and received 2 extra Common Keys!'
    - '/crate givekey {username} Common 2'
    broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was super lucky and received an {GREEN}Rare Key!'
    playermessage: '{GREEN}You were super lucky and received an {GREEN}Rare Key!'
    - '/crate givekey {username} Rare 1'
    broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was lucky and received an {GREEN}Epic Key!'
    playermessage: '{GREEN}You were lucky and received an Epic Key!'
    - '/crate givekey {username} Epic 1'
    broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was lucky and received an {GREEN}Legendary Key'
    playermessage: '{GREEN}You were lucky and received an Legendary Key'
    - '/crate givekey {username} Legendary 1'
    broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was lucky and received an {GREEN}TpFactory Key! Congratulations!'
    playermessage: '{GREEN}You were lucky and received an TpFactory Key! Congratulations!'
    - '/crate givekey {username} TpFactory 1'
    broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}was lucky and received an {GREEN}Common Key, Rare Key, Epic Key, Legendary Key and a TpFactory Key! Congratulations!'
    playermessage: '{GREEN}You were lucky and received an Common Key, Rare Key, Epic Key, Legendary Key and a TpFactory Key! Congratulations!'
    - '/crate givekey {username} Common 1'
    - '/crate givekey {username} Rare 1'
    - '/crate givekey {username} Epic 1'
    - '/crate givekey {username} Legendary 1'
    - '/crate givekey {username} TpFactory 1'
    - '/say {username} Has won a Common Key, Rare Key, Epic Key, Legendary Key and a TpFactory Key!'
    - '/say {username} Has won a Common Key, Rare Key, Epic Key, Legendary Key and a TpFactory Key!'
    - '/say {username} Has won a Common Key, Rare Key, Epic Key, Legendary Key and a TpFactory Key!'

    # permission reward section
    # This example would give players with the permission node "gal.double" 10 Diamonds instead of their regular reward.

    broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}has voted @ {GREEN}{service} {GOLD}and received {GREEN}10 Diamonds!'
    playermessage: '{GREEN}Thanks for voting at {AQUA}{service}!'
    - '/give {username} 264 10'

    # cumulative reward section
    # This example would give players 20 Diamonds once they have reached a total of 10 votes.

    broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}has voted a total of {YELLOW}10 times {GOLD}and received {GREEN}2 Rare Keys!'
    playermessage: '{GREEN}Thanks for voting {AQUA}10 times!'
    rewardmessage: '2 Rare Keys'
    - '/crate givekey {username} Rare 2'
    broadcast: '{GREEN}{username} {GOLD}has voted a total of {YELLOW}10 times {GOLD}and received {GREEN}1 TpFactory Key!'
    playermessage: '{GREEN}Thanks for voting {AQUA}50 times!'
    rewardmessage: '1 TpFactory Key!'
    - '/crate givekey {username} Legendary 1'

    # blocked - a list of worlds where rewards should be disabled, they will remain queued until the player is in an allowed world.

    - world_blocked

    # Available formatting codes for messages:

    # {service} {servicename} {SERVICE} = service name
    # {username} {player} {name} = player username
    # {votes} = current vote total
    # & = Colour Symbol to enter manual colours / control codes

    - '{GOLD}------------------------'
    - 'Vote for us every day to get amazing rewards!'
    - '{GOLD}------------------------'
    - '{DARK_PURPLE}You currently have{RED} {votes} {DARK_PURPLE}Votes'

    - '{GOLD}------------------------'
    - 'You didn''t vote? You can vote now for amazing prizes!'
    - '{GOLD}------------------------'
    - '{AQUA}You currently have {GREEN}{votes} Votes'

    - '{GOLD}------------------------'
    - 'Vote for us every day for in game rewards and extras'
    - '{GOLD}------------}------------'
    - '{AQUA}You currently have {GREEN}{votes} Votes'

    # Additional formatting codes for below:

    # {TOTAL} = vote total - used for /rewards
    # {REWARD} = current rewardmessage as specified in the cumulative reward section - used for /rewards
    # {POSITION} = current rank - used for /votetop
    # {username} = player name - used for /votetop

    rewardformat: '{GREEN}{TOTAL} Votes {GRAY}- {AQUA}{REWARD}'
    votetopformat: '{POSITION}. {GREEN}{username} - {WHITE}{TOTAL}'
    - '{GOLD}------------ {WHITE}[ {DARK_AQUA}Rewards{WHITE} ] {GOLD}------------'
    - '{GOLD}------------ {WHITE}[ {DARK_AQUA}Top Voters{WHITE} ] {GOLD}------------'
    - '{AQUA}You currently have {GREEN}{votes} Votes'

  • _ForgeUser16628451 added the tags New Defect Jul 3, 2016
  • _ForgeUser16628451 added an attachment Knipsel.PNG Jul 3, 2016


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