A powerful lightweight plugin that helps you organizing game modes on your server.
Download GameModeControl for your server version:
- for 1.7 and below: use this version
- for 1.8 and above: use the latest version
This plugin uses an auto updater, to keep itself up-to-date. You can disable this in your config by changing false.
This plugin uses plugin metrics to analyze the servers using GMC. The collected data will be sent to and can be viewed here. Everyone is able to see anonymous data, such as how many servers are using GMC, but not which servers. You can disable this feature in your config by changing
options.bstatsto false.
- <> = required
- [] = optional
- 1 | 2 = 1 or 2, but not both
- gmc.<permission> = permission to change your own and the gamemode of other players
- gmc.<permission>.self = you are only allowed to change your own gamemode
- gmc.<permission>.others = you have the permission to change the gamemode of other players
Command |
Function |
Permission |
/gm <id> [player] /gamemode* <id> [player] |
Change the gamemode of a player to the specified one |
gmc.gamemode[.self | .others] |
— valid values for id: 0, 1, 2, 3, survival, creative, adventure, spectator, su, c, a, sp | ||
/gm0 [player] /survival [player] |
Change the gamemode of a player to survival |
gmc.survival[.self | .others] |
/gm1 [player] /creative [player] |
Change the gamemode of a player to creative |
gmc.creative[.self | .others] |
/gm2 [player] /adventure [player] |
Change the gamemode of a player to adventure |
gmc.adventure[.self | .others] |
/gm3 [player] /spectator [player] |
Change the gamemode of a player to spectator |
gmc.spectator[.self | .others] |
/gmonce <player> [survival] [creative] [adventure] [spectator] |
Allow a player to change his/her game mode only one time |
gmc.gmonce |
/gmtemp <player> <game mode> <seconds> |
Change the game mode of a player only temporary (e.g. 30s) |
gmc.gmtemp |
/gmh [page | command] | Show all commands for GMC or help for a specific command |
gmc.gmh |
/gmi | Shows information about GMC, such as the version |
gmc.gmi |
/gmr | Reloads the whole server in order to reload the config of GMC |
gmc.gmr |
<small>* overrides the standard '/gamemode' from minecraft; you can still use /minecraft:gamemode for the "normal" /gamemode command.</small>
- Copy the file you have downloaded into your "plugins"-folder
- Restart your server, then stop it
- Edit the 'config.yml' and set the messages you want
- Start your server and enjoy
If you want to reset the config, just delete the 'config.yml' file (in <your server folder>/plugins/GMC/). GMC will generate it on server startup. If you need an example, take a look at this example configuration.
Formatting codes
Please visit:
Alias |
Description |
Example |
$player | will be replaced with the specified player | &cCould not find this player: &7$player |
$gm | will be replaced with the game mode, that has not been found | &cCould not find this gamemode: &7$gm |
enable this feature to change the game mode of every player with the permission gmc.forcegm that joins your server to the specified game mode. -
true if you want GameModeControl to keep itself always up to date, false if you just want to be notified if a newer version is available. -
true if you want to send server and player statistics to false if you want to disable this feature. The collected data is sent to
Source code
You can find the source code here on
ToDo list
- Please send me a pm, post a comment or use the github issues system and add the label 'enhancement' to it to suggest a feature
There are no bugs at the moment :) (at least noone reported one). If you want to report a bug, please use the github issues system.
How about a donation?

Hi, I'm trying to use the plugin on a 1.16.5 server, but as soon as the server starts, it disables it with this "warning":
[Server thread/INFO] [de.ricardoboss.gmc.Main/]: [GMC] Enabling GMC v1.6[21:08:43] [Server thread/INFO] [de.ricardoboss.gmc.Main/]: [GMC] Enabling GMC v1.6[21:08:43] [Server thread/INFO] [/]: [GMC] Forcing gamemode SURVIVAL on player join[21:08:43] [Server thread/ERROR] [Minecraft/]: Error occurred while enabling GMC v1.6 (Is it up to date?)java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: 'void org.bstats.bukkit.Metrics.<init>(org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin, int)' at de.ricardoboss.gmc.Main.onEnable( ~[?:?] at ~[forge:?] at ~[forge:?] at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin( ~[forge:?] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.CraftServer.enablePlugin( ~[forge:7e29f765-296df566-9fb885e8] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_16_R3.CraftServer.enablePlugins( ~[forge:7e29f765-296df566-9fb885e8] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_240787_a_( ~[?:?] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_240800_l__( ~[?:?] at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71197_b( ~[?:?] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_240802_v_( ~[?:?] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_240783_a_( ~[?:?] at ~[?:?][21:08:43] [Server thread/INFO] [de.ricardoboss.gmc.Main/]: [GMC] Disabling GMC v1.6
I'm trying to use this plugin for my 1.16.5 server I have dragged and dropped it into my server folder but when restarting the server the plugin doesn't seem to create its own file nor does it want to work on my server I have tried /GMC nothing /gm1 nothing /creative nothing and yes I am opped
In reply to raz3main:
Can you share a log file from your server startup?
Hello, can you update the plugin for 1.16.x?
In reply to bengor_xd:
I dropped the jar file into the plugins folder, but no folder or config file was created after restarting the server. What could be the reason for this? I'm running Paper 1.16.4.
In reply to ProClifo:
Hi, 1.16 is not officially supported, but I can update the plugin if you want to.
Hi! Im trying to figure out how to set up a lot of things on my little server I was wondering if you could help me out a bit?
In reply to igniepici:
Hi! Is your problem related to GameModeControl?
any eta on a possible upgrade it's rather old and tosses a few errors into the consol and log
also an option to remeber game mode when using warps, portals or teleporting to other worlds?
In reply to bluefeather:
Hi there!
First of all, thanks for reporting issues! There is one problem with this particular one: I can't seem to open the link you provided, it just shows a blank screen.
What plugins do you use to provide warps, portals and teleportation to other worlds? Only if I know which plugins you used am I able to incorporate them into GMC.
You can contact me through your desired communication medium if you want to: Just tell me you came from here.
Hello Mainiac,
Some Friends and me are actualy working on a Server with some new ideas and need a smart programmer like u! Maybe when u are interested we could work together and create an interessting Server with PlugIns and ideas which were Never there before
In reply to Forge_User_39386951:
In reply to Forge_User_65281224:
Can you add an option to disable messages in the config by putting none in the quotations? Ex:
In reply to PyRaWFeSHH:
yes can you add a Protect Players with not Game mode for PVP out Gamemode 1 only can PVP player now in Gamemode 0
Hi there! I think I don't really understand what are proposing right there... Do you want players in gamemode 1 to be unable to attack players in other game modes? I will add it to the suggested features when I understood :)
hi can you add Block pvp in Gm 1 ?
Just give the players NOT the permission gmc.gm3. That should work. If you want them to be able to do /gm0,/gm1 and /gm2 give them gmc.gm0, gmc.gm1 and gmc.gm2.