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UploadedOct 24, 2012
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Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.3.2-R2.0
1.8 Updates!
- The monster grinder inhibitor code has been updated so that as long as players do at least half of the monster's max health in damage, the monster will drop loot/experience. This should remedy the "because the monster tripped and fell a short distance, now I don't want to kill him because he won't drop loot" problem.
- Arrows now pass through skeletons.
- Additional falling blocks are now configurable.
- Explosions will now only dizzy, not blind, and this dizziness will require a minimum amount of damage taken from the blast.
- Being caught on fire will blind the player as well, as long as he's on fire.
- Reduced the intensity of the slowness imparted by zombie attacks.
- Adjusted unstable (normal world) blaze explosion power. It's still potentially lethal, especially under a low ceiling.