
The configuration isn't too complex.

The settings block:

    Interval: 5
    Random: false
    Permission: true
    displayMessageOnJoin: false
    showConsoleAnnouncements: false
  • Interval: [positive integer] the time, in minutes, to wait between each announcement.
  • Random: [true | false] pick announcements in a pseudo-random sequence, i.e. not 1 2 3 4, but perhaps 2 4 3 1, or 2 4 1 2 3. This does not check for duplication, and may announce the same announcement more than once.
  • Permission: [true | false] whether or not to enable permissions support.
  • displayMessageOnJoin: [true | false] you may display a MotD to players when they log in. This is ignored by the players and groups which are specified to ignore announcements.
  • showConsoleAnnouncements: [true | false] display announcements in the console when they happen, and display how many people it was shown to.

Here's a sample for the Announcer block:

            Text: 'Running a command synchronously with this announcement.'
                - /give thelunarfrog 1 64
            Interval: 2
                - world_the_end
                - Administrators
                - Donators
    #Groups that the plugin should ALWAYS announce to, permitted their world and ignore status allow it.
        - Moderators
    #Worlds that the plugin should ALWAYS announce to, permitted their group(s) and ignore status allow it.
        - world
#Players that the plugin should ignore and NOT announce to, regardless of their group or world.
    - TheLunarFrog
ConfigVersion: 2
  • 1: [] the number of the announcement
  • Text: [string] what the announcement should say.
  • Enabled: [true | false] if false, the plugin will not announce this. Good for recurring events, or preparation in advance, where the plugin needs to be ready and you want to just enable or disable it after a certain time.
  • Worlds: [list of strings] the list of worlds that this announcement should show up in.
  • Groups: [list of strings] the list of groups that this announcement should show up to.
  • GlobalGroups:[list of strings] the list of groups that every announcement should show up to.
  • GlobalWorlds: [list of strings] the list of worlds that every announcement should show up in.
  • IgnoredPlayers: [list of strings] the list of players, if any, that should not see ANY announcements. This will override per-announcement, per-group, global group, and global world settings!
  • ConfigVersion: [1 | 2] do not touch this. If you do, it will break the plugin - it is used for conversion of old configuration formats to the new one.

Here's a full sample file.


    Interval: 5
    Random: false
    Permission: true
    displayMessageOnJoin: false
    showConsoleAnnouncements: false
    Tag: '&AQUA;[FrogAnnounce]'
        #Announcements are now numbered. Note that the numbers start at 1, and increment by 1.
        #Skipping numbers (i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6) will result in any after the sequence is broken to go unnoticed
        #by the plugin.
            #Enabled: not necessary. If you wish to disable an announcement so that the plugin will no longer announce it or store it in memory, add this key and set set it to false.
            Enabled: true
            #Text: The text to be announced. Colour codes work as before.
            Text: '&4;Hi.'
            Text: '&DARK_GREEN;Moo.'
            #Specific groups.
            #To make it so that ONLY this announcement is seen by certain groups of people, add those groups here.
            #Groups included in GlobalGroups will also receive the announcement.
                - Administrators
                - Donators
            Text: 'Sooo....'
            #Make it so that the announcement is only seen by people in these worlds. Players in the worlds specified
            #in GlobalWorlds will also receive the announcement.
                - world_nether
            Text: 'What\'s up?'
                - world_the_end
                - Administrators
                - Donators
            Text: 'Running a command synchronously with this announcement.'
            #Example of a command.
            #Obviously, you should change it. I don't want 64 stone every 25 minutes if I log into your server. Please.
            #Commands will be run after the text is announced. Obviously, there is no limiting a command's effects to
            #certain groups or worlds, as it is out of a foreign plugin's ability, and must be done by the plugin which that
            #action is performed by.
            #Please be sure that the command can be executed from the console.
                - /give thelunarfrog 1 64
                - world_the_end
                - Administrators
                - Donators
    #Groups that the plugin should ALWAYS announce to, permitted their world and ignore status allow it.
        - Moderators
    #Worlds that the plugin should ALWAYS announce to, permitted their group(s) and ignore status allow it.
        - world
#Players that the plugin should ignore and NOT announce to, regardless of their group or world.
    - TheLunarFrog
ConfigVersion: 2


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