Friends Online
Sends players an email or text alert when their friends login to the server.
Latest version: 1.1
- AlertAPI - API for sending email or text messaging.
Just drop the .jar file in your plugins folder, there is not configuration.
- /notify [list] - View your notification list.
- /notify <player> - Adds player to your notification list.
- /notify [del] <player> - Removes player from your notification list.
- friendsonline.use - Allowed to receive alerts from FriendsOnline.
Having Issues?
Submit a ticket.
Does this plugin still work?
I am not familiar with how Bungeecord talks between servers, and I am not likely to implement anytime soon. My priority is Bukkit, however anyone can use AlertAPI to build said plugin.
That is not to say I wouldn't be interested in integrating it, I just don't foresee having the time to implement.
Yes it works for bukkit and bungeecord connects multiple bukkit servers but I want an alert when a friend joins the bungee and not a specific server.
I haven't messed with Bungeecord before, does it not support Bukkit plugins natively?
Bungeecord support?
btw if you go to the repository tab you can add AlertAPI as a dependency