Older versions/FrameProtect until version 2.6

Item frames, paintings and armor stands are, for simplicity, called objects on this page.

Protect your item frames, paintings and armor stands! Very simple to use.

Your server is not running 1.8 or newer? Info page for older versions of FrameProtect


FrameProtect 2.6 Bug

There is a bug in version 2.6 that causes FrameProtect to try to respawn objects that live in unloaded chunks. This will be fixed in the next version. Please use version 2.5. It should still work (without armor stand protection)



  • Protect item frames, paintings and armor stands
  • Per player protections
  • Respawn disappeared protected objects
  • Save protected objects from natural destruction (e.g. paintings hanging in air)
  • Save protected objects from destruction by mobs (e.g. creepers, skeletons)
  • Save protected objects from destruction by piston movement
  • MySQL support
  • Permissions support
  • Customizable messages (comes with several predefined languages)
  • Many configuration options



> Make sure that your server is running at least Minecraft 1.8.
> Put FrameProtect.jar into your plugins folder and restart the server.

Update from 2.5 or lower to 2.6

If you're already using FrameProtect, I recommend to use my FrameProtectDatabaseUpdater to update your protections and settings.
This will convert all your data (except the language) to the new format.

It depends on wheter you have set useMySQL to true or not if the updater will convert the MySQL database or the flatfile. It's also possible to convert both, you just have to edit the option in the already updated config.yml and restart the server again.

The update does not delete or overwrite the original data.
> old config.yml gets renamed to config.old
> MySQL data gets copied to new tables
> flatfile data gets copied to a new SQLite database.


  1. Shut down your server.
  2. Remove the old FrameProtect.jar from your plugins folder.
  3. Put FrameProtectDatabaseUpdater.jar into the plugins folder and start the server.
  4. Wait until your server is started. In the console you should find the message [FrameProtectDatabaseUpdater] Update completed!. If you can't find it, something went wrong (the updater will disable itself after finishing, don't be irritated).
  5. Shut down the server.
  6. Remove FrameProtectDatabaseUpdater.jar from your plugins folder.
  7. Put the new FrameProtect.jar into your plugins folder and start the server.
  8. Done!


How It Works

Protect & Unprotect

Protect or unprotect an object.

Simply shift left click it.
The permission frameProtect.protect is needed.
Notice: frameProtect.place is still needed if you want your players to be able to place objects.

Protected objects will be saved to the database. No other players (except admins) will be able to destroy them or steal your items. If, caused by any issue, some objects disappear unexpected, FrameProtect will, in most cases, be able to respawn them.



Autoprotection will protect each object that you place.

Notice: Armor stand autoprotection doesn't work at the moment.

Place an object.
The permission frameProtect.autoprotect is needed.
Without giving your players frameProtect.protect, autoprotection will still work and they will never be able to unprotect their objects.

It may be helpful if you don't want to teach all your new players in protecting objects.
Also, without the frameProtect.protect permission, you will hardly ever have problems with players fighting for an object.


Object Info

Get the coordinates and the owner of an object.

Simply shift right click it.
The permission frameProtect.info is needed.

I don't know :C


Set Owner

Change the owner of an object.

Type /fp owner <name> into the chat and then shift click an object.
The permission frameProtect.admin is needed.

Maybe it will be useful for you at an undefined point of the history of your server.


Admin Stuff

Remove protections of other people
Take items from protected objects
Reload the plugin (config.yml, protections and language)

Reload: /fp reload
The permission frameProtect.admin is needed.

Because admins should be able to administer.



Permission Function
frameProtect.place.* place & destroy objects
frameProtect.autoprotect.* autoprotection
frameProtect.protect.* protect & unprotect
frameProtect.info.* object info
frameProtect.admin set owner
frameProtect.admin admin stuff

Instead of .*, which means it's for all objects, you can put .itemframe, .painting or .armorstand

For example:
You want to allow your players to protect paintings but not item frames and armor stands.
The permission you have to give to this group would be: frameProtect.protect.painting



You can find all configuration options including description and default value in the config.yml file.



  • Fix some errors in the updater.
  • Add lcoal buffering for MySql to reduce queries.
  • Add debug commands (find near protections, remove broken protections, etc.)
  • Try to fix object respawning.
  • Add autprotection for armor stands.
  • Readd some commands and add the option to disable direct protecting/deprotecting by clicking.
  • Get the new version to work with 1.7.10.
  • Make FrameProtect able to recognize worlds when they were renamed (use UUIDs).
  • Make the set owner function work for normal players to transfer their protections to others.
  • Any requests?



FrameProtect supports custom languages.

The plugin contains several language files:

en_US English English by Dragon252525
de_DE German Deutsch by Dragon252525
fr_FR French français by Dragon252525
eu_ES Basque Euskara by galaipa
cs_CZ Czech čeština by Shadowhacker

Translations that you can download additionally (not yet coming with the plugin):

ru_RU Russian русский by Aqelius FrameProtect 2.6
sk_SK Slovak Slovenčina by Haxter888 FrameProtect 2.?
es_ES Spanish español by zuhir FrameProtect 2.4
zh_TW Traditional Chinese ? by be90728 FrameProtect 2.6

Creating a new language file

Download example: en_US

%s, %1$s, %2$s and %3$s are placeholders. Please do not remove them.

If your language needs seperate messages for the different objects:

  destroyed: "Privater %s zerstört."
  destroyed_painting: "Privates %s zerstört."

This supports _itemframe, _painting and _armorstand.
If there are only two different messages, you can add the suffix to the one that's only needed once and leave the other like it is.

Sometimes you will see some strange symbols ingame, this is caused by a wrong file encoding, which you can change with most text editors.

If you want to share your work, I would be very happy if you send me a PM and post your translation on pastebin or somewhere else ;)


Known Bugs

  • FrameProtect 2.6 will try to respawn objects that live in unloaded chunks.
  • AutoProtection doesn't work for armor stands.
  • The updater does sometimes not convert all/any protections.
  • Respawning doesn't work always.



FrameProtect sends statistics about the usage to mcstats.org. You can disable this by setting the option opt-out in the YourServerFolder/plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml file to true.
FrameProtect - MCStats