What is FramePicture?
Frame Picture is a plugin that can draw images in a itemframe.
-> How to install
1. Download the newest FramePicture.jar
2. Download the newest ProtocolLib from
3. Stop your Server
4. Drop the FramePicture.jar into your plugins folder.
5. Drop the ProtocolLib.jar into your plugins folder.
6. Start your Server
7. See the Tutorial
-> Tutorial
1. Install the Plugin and ProtocolLib.
2. Join to your Server.
3. Place a item frame
4. Search a photo in the internet
5. Type "/fp set URL" in the chat
6. Interact a item frame
7. Finish!
-> Supported file formats
FramePicture supports the file formats .gif (no animations), .png and .jpg.
-> Multilanguage
This plugin supports multilanguage.
message.yml Downloads: English (Standard), Deutsch, France (by cocoman37), Czech (by jaraxxx), Portuguese (by LCastr0), Polish (by Alsiokowsky), Spanish (by jaime29010), Dutch (by Jhtzb), Russian (by Igor1998), Danish (by fungreenfox)
You can make Translates and send me the messages.yml!
-> Video
-> Spigot 1.8.3?
Thanks to @LordBoos
Warning: This builds wasn't tested from the "curse" team!
its better u just post an un-official version of this plugin if you are the one who is fixing it.
Do u think we all are robots or what? Shut down. 1.9 is fresh out. Wait few days btw few weeks.
pls update to bukkit/Spigot 1.9
Pls Howaner, make UPDTAE this plugin to Bukkit/Spigot 1.8.8
cool plugin no longer works please update?
Yes Please Update For The 1.8.8 Bukkit/Spigot Version
Pls updating this nice plugin to Bukkit/Spigot 1.8.8
Your Version implements net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R1 but 1.8.8 running net.minecraft.server.v1_8_R3
U use Bukkit 1.8.1. It's not Compatible with 1.8.8.
Please READ this post!!! Thanks.
Howaner`s Last login = Sep 27, 2015 Lets hope he comes back as this is a awesome plugin!!
Please... Update this plugin on 1.8.8
is that spigot 1.8.8 compatible?
it say Please Wait and nothing heppens
please add this that it would be compactible with frameprotect and locking pictures so that people with worldguard access couldnt break the frames so it would be with frame protect permissions! for spigot 1.8.3 please
Doesn't work it says unknown URL or something
use or some url short page.