ForumAA - An easy way to reduce spam on your forum!
Version: v3.0.0
Sourcecode | Issue Tracker | Test Builds |
ForumAA is short for Forum Account Activation, which is a clone of TheKris1234's
- Reduce spam by requiring users to activate forum accounts through a Minecraft command.
- Autoactivate users as soon as they log in, no command required! (Disabled by default)
- Custom profile fields - This allows users on your forum to register with a username other than their Minecraft username.
How To Install:
- Go to your forums, log in as an Administrator and go to the Administration Control Panel
- Under "General" > "Board Configuration" click "User Registration Settings"
- Set it to "By Admin"
- Go to your forums and log in as an Administrator and go to the Admin-CP
- Click on "Configuration" -> "User Registration and Profile Options"
- Change "Registration Method" to "Administrator Activation"
- Go to your forums, log in as an Administrator and go to the Admin Control Panel
- Under "Home" > "Options" click "User Registration"
- Uncheck "enable email confirmation"
- check "enable manual approval"
- Go to your forums, log in as an Administrator and click on the Admin tab
- Under "Members" > "Registration" > "Settings"
- Change Method of registration to Admin Approval
- Go to your forums, log in as an Administrator and click on the AdminCP link.
- Under System Settings > Security and Privacy -> Security [Managing Members]
- Change the New registration email validation setting to either User then Admin or Admin.
Plugin Install:
- Download plugin and put into /plugins
- Start server. The plugin will create /ForumAA/config.yml in /plugins and disable itself
- Edit the file appropriately. HELP BELOW
- Reload Server.
How to use:
- Log in as the username registered on the forum and type /account activate You will receive a confirmation message.
- no permissions used "yet"
Database: #Hostname for your SQL server. URL: localhost Port: '3306' Username: username Password: password Database: DB-Name Table_Prefix: smf_ Forum: Type: smf URL: Optional: # Leave this blank unless your allow users to register with names other than their Minecraft IGN Custom_Field_ID: '' Login_Activation: false
- Localization
- Give me your ideas
- Lavoaster - IPB support
- Darkhand81 - plugin tester
- IPB support added.
- Async tasks added to stop server freezes.
- Fixed config file generation.
- MCstats added.
- Fixed account activation messages.
- Added support for console commands triggered by activation
- Config changes, Will need to let the plugin rebuild it.
- Updated to 1.2.5-R1.0
- Added full support for XenForo, SMF is also added but not tested.
Oh that's fantastic! Thanks Furt! I was actually getting ready to set up Eclipse and Craftbukkit for the sole purpose of compiling the newer version of ForumAA that's on Github. :)
For everyone that wants to keep up with ForumAA: all the new changes will auto build there for testing.
In all honesty i should have been done by now but with work and the holidays ive been behind on coding not including the comp upgrades that i order almost a week ago with 2day shipping and still not here yet. Once I get em installed ill get all my bukkit plugins up to date.
How's that rewrite going, Furt? Can't wait! :)
@Furt So I was wondering how the major rewrite and more importantly the feature enhancement suggested by @Avaryan is going?
Idk if it would work on this plugin or not, but try putting two single quotes in the field like so:
If that doesn't work, try omitting the field completely by commenting it out.
Because when i leave it empty or remove Table_Prefix: it will just add this Table_Prefix: phpbb_ and that is wrong!
What to do @ Table_Prefix if you have no table prefix?
That great news, Furt! Thanks so much!
I opened issue #5 on Github, requesting database access to be done in its own thread to keep the game from freezing when accessing slow forum databases. A big problem for me that I've been annoying people about forever. :)
EDIT: And now that I look at the repository, you seem to have already added it! Awesome!
Starting today I will be going thru and doing a major rewrite to the plugin. Your request will be added in the final result.
@Avaryan Lol, i see im not the only one refreshing this page daily waiting for a response xD
@Furt This feature is really needed though :/
Any word on adding the custom commands thing? I image it wouldn't be too difficult.
Alright I'll see what's going on with the successful message.
Has anyone else tried it on different forum types?
Seems to work now. There is no message in the players chat letting them know it was successful though. Might be nice to get that confirmation.
I'd really like you to look into that custom commands suggestion I mentioned earlier. I'd like to make it so that I can change people's group once they are registered.
Simple mistake on my part. please redownload im pretty sure its not fully fixed but let me know how far you get with it.
yea i cant get it to connect to the user table, ill keep ya updated.
My minecraft server is hosted locally. My webhost with the forums are not.
Are you testing it locally?
I opened a ticket for the enhancement that you suggested to Furt:
I know that I'm using the correct DB information. I can open my database using MySQL Workbench using the information. Unless I'm somehow entering it wrong into the config.yml file.