Fly Payment
Fly Payment
Make flying cost something! When a player uses the fly command, it'll cost them a(n) item(s), and/or Economy Currency (whatever you specify in the config), and/or EXP to activate flying. Once they disable flying, it'll cost the player another set of item(s) and/or Economy Currency (whatever you specify in the config), and/or EXP to start flying again. Also, you can set a time limit for how long their flying is enabled until they must pay again. If you want another feature added, just say so in the comments.Fly Payment 3.4 has been tested with CB 3074 (Development build for Minecraft 1.7.9) as well as Spigot 1449 (Development build for Minecraft 1.7.9)
- 12 Custom groups
- The ability to charge through Economy money (Like iConomy, BOSEconomy, etc.) or through items
- Edit what item and how much of that item to charge for Flying
- Edit how much EXP is charged
- Edit how long the flying will be enabled until the player must buy it again
- Edit how much money will be charged, including decimal values (if your economy plugin supports it)
- Edit type of fly mode
- Ban worlds that Fly Payment can be used in
- Timed Free Fly mode
- Fly ban system (ban on Fly Payment usage, not flying with any other plugin
- Combat Temporary Ban System - if a player engages in PvP, you can temp ban them from flying
- Custom messages
- When flying is disabled, edit whether the player takes damage from the fall
Command | Explanation (All Commands can be used with /FP, or /FlyPayment) |
/FP | Shows the commands' syntax. |
/FP On | If the player has the items/EXP/money, the player will start flying for the specified amount of time in the config. |
/FP Off | Disables flight |
/FP Ban <Player> [Time] | Bans player for an optional amount of time |
/FP RemoveBan <Player> | Removes player ban |
/FP CheckBan <Player> | Checks if the player is banned, and gives the amount of time banned |
/FP FreeFly <on:off> [time] | Turns free fly on, or off. If on, you can have a time limit. |
Helpful Links:
This plugin uses plugin metrics. More information can be found here:Plugin Metrics
- None! Yay!
- Add a fly limit criteria in config. (For example, players can only fly 5 minutes every 5 hours, or 30 minutes every 2 days, etc.)
- Add the option to pay a multiple of the default amount, to increase the time (ex. If you pay double the default amount, you'll fly for double the time)
- Add a "Hunger Drain" option in config
- Add 'No Fly" Zone as WorldGuard flag
- Add a countdown timer (as in, 10, 9, 8, 7...)
- Add custom 'Fly Speed' option
- Add 'Flight enabled on world change' option
- (If you want another feature added, just say so in the comments.)
Suggestions? Requests? Ask in the comments and I'll see what I can do.
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Thank You everyone for the downloads!
Could you add maybe something like 5 minutes of fly a day?
I've uploaded a working release for Craftbukkit 1.7.2-R0.2
No, Bukkit has yet to release a recommended build for Minecraft 1.7.2, and Minecraft 1.7.4 is out. I understand they have a tough job, but after I fix the issues, the dev builds break my plugin frequently. I'll post a usable build for Bukkit's Beta build, and I'll work on custom messages (which takes much longer then any other feature.)
really needs a fix..
adding lore text to an item makes fly payment not remove the item.. but it still gives the user the benefit of using /fly on ... just doesn't remove the item
using FlyPayment v3.0_BETA
Is this Plugin Death? Pls dont become Inaktiv we love this plugin
I enjoy this plugin however there need to be several improvements! I sent you a ticket about it so please check and try to fix it, thanks :)
Please submit a ticket here:
As mentioned before, this has been a rework of code, so I'm glad I submitted this as Beta.
Thanks for your help!
Its not work for me. im Fly for free, why? :(
I thought this would be a simple issue, but it's actually very extensive. I'm making a command to disable everyone's flight, and once everyone has landed, it'll send you a message saying so. After, you'll be able to reload the server. But I'm also asking on the forums for a way to execute this command when reloading the entire server, so you won't have to use /Fly disbaleall before every restart/reload. I will still make the command, as there may be other uses for it.
I've enabled flight with capitol, and lower case letters with no issues. If this issue persists after the next release of FlyPayment (Which is very soon,) please submit a ticket. The issue I tested was on the latest FP build I'm working on, with the latest CB Dev build (2919).
Seems that the command isn't checked for case sensitivity.
Solution: change equals("fly"){ to equalsIgnoreCase("fly");
Please fix asap.
What was the number you typed into the config?
I'll check that out. I'm redoing the code (again, but correctly this time), and will create a GitHub page with the source, as that's been requested.
Hm, just tried it out. Config'd to cost 30 exp levels. It announces that I was deducted the 30 EXP and the flight kicks in, but my actual xp is not deducted. I also tried giving myself the negative permission of flyp.bypass to ensure it wasnt that. CB 1.6.4.
Thanks for the detailed post!
Regarding the bugs, I'll fix those (as well as the reload bug) now. As for the .zip archive, I think I did it because it was a requirement or I saw someone on YouTube with a coding tutorial do it to their plugin. I won't zip it up anymore, seeing it's an extra unneeded step.
As for the interesting flying technique ("flap" your wings) I'll try to create that feature, like a config option, as that does seem interesting.
Lastly, I'm glad my plugin could help! Thanks!
You caught me by surprise by zipping the jar with nothing else in the zip. The zip is the same size as the jar. I wonder what's up with zipping a jar. Maybe the uploader for the filehost doesn't support jar uploads?
I also found an issue with permissions in the plugin, or just the documentation of them. In the permissions docs you have the following: Bypasses the cost of flying
but the plugin actually looks for
flyp.bypass Bypasses the cost of flying
I gave my Admins the flyp.bypass permission and they can now fly without fuel.
Years ago there was a fly plugin that required the users to tap a key (space or shift) to flap their wings, and if they stopped they would glide down to the ground, but if they flapped faster they'd climb higher. It made flying a lot more interesting than just flying around like a cursor in a 3D art program, which is what vanilla MC comes with. I think the reason so many plugins use the less interesting way to fly is that it's easier to code since bukkit exposes "Creative mode" flying as a feature, whereas those early plugin authors had to write the feature in themselves.
Thanks for making this plugin. It takes a lot of work and I think this is almost exactly what I was looking for in a fly plugin.
You can use a plugin I recently found, called boosCooldowns ( It works great on my server, and has cooldowns, as well as command warmups.
Can you add a new feature where the payment for the flying ability is time? With permissions of course. I want to add only my vip ranks to have flying ability for a limited time. Where you can choose through the config file the amount of time they can fly and a cooldown.|
for example: vips only can fly for 30min every 24hours,
or they can fly for X seconds Example:300s cooldown: X s Example: 3600s
There is a bug. If someone is in fly on mode and you do a /reload command the fly doesn't expire. Only a server restart will disable it.Please fix asap.
The 'Flight enabled on world change' idea sounds great! I was hoping to use this to allow people to fly only in The End. Hope that update comes soon :D