Fly Payment
Fly Payment
Make flying cost something! When a player uses the fly command, it'll cost them a(n) item(s), and/or Economy Currency (whatever you specify in the config), and/or EXP to activate flying. Once they disable flying, it'll cost the player another set of item(s) and/or Economy Currency (whatever you specify in the config), and/or EXP to start flying again. Also, you can set a time limit for how long their flying is enabled until they must pay again. If you want another feature added, just say so in the comments.Fly Payment 3.4 has been tested with CB 3074 (Development build for Minecraft 1.7.9) as well as Spigot 1449 (Development build for Minecraft 1.7.9)
- 12 Custom groups
- The ability to charge through Economy money (Like iConomy, BOSEconomy, etc.) or through items
- Edit what item and how much of that item to charge for Flying
- Edit how much EXP is charged
- Edit how long the flying will be enabled until the player must buy it again
- Edit how much money will be charged, including decimal values (if your economy plugin supports it)
- Edit type of fly mode
- Ban worlds that Fly Payment can be used in
- Timed Free Fly mode
- Fly ban system (ban on Fly Payment usage, not flying with any other plugin
- Combat Temporary Ban System - if a player engages in PvP, you can temp ban them from flying
- Custom messages
- When flying is disabled, edit whether the player takes damage from the fall
Command | Explanation (All Commands can be used with /FP, or /FlyPayment) |
/FP | Shows the commands' syntax. |
/FP On | If the player has the items/EXP/money, the player will start flying for the specified amount of time in the config. |
/FP Off | Disables flight |
/FP Ban <Player> [Time] | Bans player for an optional amount of time |
/FP RemoveBan <Player> | Removes player ban |
/FP CheckBan <Player> | Checks if the player is banned, and gives the amount of time banned |
/FP FreeFly <on:off> [time] | Turns free fly on, or off. If on, you can have a time limit. |
Helpful Links:
This plugin uses plugin metrics. More information can be found here:Plugin Metrics
- None! Yay!
- Add a fly limit criteria in config. (For example, players can only fly 5 minutes every 5 hours, or 30 minutes every 2 days, etc.)
- Add the option to pay a multiple of the default amount, to increase the time (ex. If you pay double the default amount, you'll fly for double the time)
- Add a "Hunger Drain" option in config
- Add 'No Fly" Zone as WorldGuard flag
- Add a countdown timer (as in, 10, 9, 8, 7...)
- Add custom 'Fly Speed' option
- Add 'Flight enabled on world change' option
- (If you want another feature added, just say so in the comments.)
Suggestions? Requests? Ask in the comments and I'll see what I can do.
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Thank You everyone for the downloads!
Hey, I want to change the item charged glow stone dust rather than diamond. How do I do that? In the Config the only option for item says DIAMOND, so i'm not sure how to input glowstone dust. Also, no matter what I put it in resets back to diamond when I start the server.
Hmm anyone got it working for spigot 1.11.x ?
tried to fix it with deprecated-mappings etc... no success :(
any help especially from ahellhound would be reallllly appreciated !
take care
I'm using Bukkit 1.9.2, do you want to know all of the plugins I use?
What do you use for server-side plugin? Is Spigot the current norm? If I update the plugin I want to make sure as many people can use it as possible.
Why did you remove the economy account feature? I have a finite economy :(
please don't forget about this plugin, my players love it
hi there, i am having trouble with this plugin .. it seems to take money off people and that but then does not ever stop them from flying, i have this set at 30 seconds in the config but just seem to get people still flying when the time runs out ?? anyone get this problem, any help would be amazing
I am alive, lol. I may rewrite the plugin (again) but this time for spigot. If I plan to do that, I will post here with instructions on installing it. - AhellHound
Author died ??
Why can't change ChargeItemNameTier: ID ?? Why this put on "OldConfig" ??
In console have error: Configuration files out of date. Loading new configuration file...
wtf with that plugin ???
for what need this old config ??
keep getting a console msg saying config file is outdated and it gets replaced on server start... anyone have a clue? running spigot 1.8.8
I have it installed and see no errors but i doesn't charge XP. I've set it right according to the config for 1XP for 30 seconds and its not doing it. I just fly forever. Is this working for anyone? Spigot 1.8.8 R0.1
i made a ticket for this on 17 July. But the Dev doesn't answered and he wasn't on since May. Maybe the plugin i dead?!
Having trouble with timer mode 1. - Config for FlyP.Fly.1 It goes thru the payment no prob but it flight never stops unless you type /fp off. Anyone know how to fix?
use FlyPayment v3.5_BETA_1&2
CraftBukkit version git-Bukkit-a646500 (MC: 1.8)
It has some problem
change the
ChargeItemNameTier1: FEATHER
it not work
and the config will reset..
1.8 version: Using groupmanager. I give my group the permission FlyP.Fly.1 but they meet the message " you do not have access to that command".
being reported to me that if you have fly turned on, and switch worlds to a world that has is listed as a banned world, fly is disabled, but it still charges the players the items as if it is on and they cant turn it off without going back to a valid world, turning it off, then going back.
sounds like a syntax thing in the config file. do you have an item defined that is not correct? set the item to DIRT or something you are sure about to verify it isn't the item name being wrong...if it isnt that, then possibly with the money value or time isnt spaced right or has tabs instead of spaces or some such. you will probably just need to go over it with a fine tooth comb...or delete it and let the plugin re-create it
if you have exp and money both set up, you get exp error messages when you run out of exp.
with exp first in the cost order, and you run out of exp, it withdraws money correctly, however it displays the EXPRemovedMessage message before removing the money.
if you have money first before exp, then it displays the EXPRemovedMessage before removing the money, even if you have exp.
can you change it so the syntax given when you do /fp by itself only shows the person what they have permission to run? regular players can't run it without permissions and therefore shouldn't see the /fp ban options.
also, any chance to add multiple fuel items? kind of like coal will last for 5 seconds, blaze_rods will last for 60..etc.... I tried doing this with tier1 and tier2 but it seems to only use the highest tier item.