(Craft)Bukkit scandinavian/fjord-like terrain-generator plugin
Fjord is a terrain-generator plugin aimed at providing terrain somewhat similar to Scandinavian fjords and highland.
- Screenshots
- How To Use
- Commands, permissions and configuration settings
- Links
How to use
Currently it is recommended to install the MultiVerse plugin for CraftBukkit alongside Fjord. You can then create a world using the command:
/mv create <worldname> normal -g Fjord -s <seed>
To teleport a player (including yourself) to the newly created Fjord world, use:
/mv tp <playername> <worldname>
For more MultiVerse commands, see the MultiVerse external link.
Commands, permissions and configuration settings
Fjord uses the following commands:
/fjord version
: Displays the current Fjord version.
Fjord requires no special permissions other than the permissions required by your World-Management plugin (such as MultiVerse).
This project contains (partial) code from the following projects: - libnoiseforjava - Nordic - Jtjj222's list of awesome block populators
Which version of CraftBukkit is your server running (I think it's 1.7.2, judging from your error log)? I suspect you may be trying to run a version of Fjord which is not compatible with your version of CraftBukkit.
From your pasted error log I can see that Fjord is looking for CraftBukkit 1.6.3 (note that a newer version of Fjord also supports 1.6.4). If you have a different CB version, it won´t work.
Please note that there is currently no newer released version of Fjord available. The source code is on GitHub, however, and can be used by anyone to create a newer build (but this will require some major changes to the code due to the fact that the internals of CB changed a *lot* in 1.7.2). Please also see this comment for an explanation as to why there is no 1.7.2 Fjord version available right now.
Im gettting this error when im trying to create a world with Fjord. Can i try your development?
Just a quick update because of my previous comment: I just looked at 1.7.2R0.2 and started integrating some of its features with Fjord, but it turns out the Bukkit team deprecated a lot of features lately. One of the things they deprecated is the Bukkit ChunkGenerator API, and they didn't provide replacement functionality. As a result, it appears there's no other way to generate worlds without using the deprecated API or Minecraft's own IChunkProvider interface, which I prefer not to use.
I don't have a whole lot of spare time to spend on this project currently, so I prefer to use something as convenient as Bukkit's ChunkGenerator API. Seeing as there is no real alternative currently, I'm not sure when I'll be able to implement 1.7.2 features.
Anyone who is able and willing to help out and contribute is welcome to do so on Github!
I certainly want to experiment with some of the new 1.7 features. I feel it could add a lot more diversity to the generated terrain. For example, I'd like to try out the new spruce trees and add patches of podzol.
Just a question out of curiosity - are you going to be implementing 1.7 features like podzol, some of the new biomes, and thicker spruce trees, or are you sticking to a more "classic" pre-1.7 look?
It all depends on when CraftBukkit 1.7.2 will be released. Currently CB 1.7.2 Release Candidate 0.3 is in development and Release Candidate 0.2 is in Beta. Once 1.7.2 is released as a regular build, I can integrate it with Fjord and release a 1.7.2 version.
So, no, unfortunately I do not have an ETA yet for you. But please check back later if anything changes on the CraftBukkit front! :)
Thanks for your interest in Fjord!
Do you have an ETA for the plugin to be released in 1.7.2?
Currently it's supporting (CraftBukkit) 1.6.4 RC2.0. I know there is a development build of CB 1.7.2 available but I prefer to refrain from using development builds and instead opt to only release new/compatible versions along with stable releases of CraftBukkit. Once CB 1.7.2 goes stable, I will release a version of Fjord for that!
Please note that there´s a chance the 1.6.4 version will just work as it should with 1.7.2, but I can´t guarantee that.
That being said, the project is open source and you can view it, fork it, and contribute to it through Github! If you feel like compiling a Fjord .jar for CB 1.7.2 DEV, you are of course free to do so!
Let me know if you have any other questions or need help with anything :)
Are you updating this? Or does it work as it should in 1.7.2?
The /mv list command from MultiVerse lists the game type of the world, not the generator type. The possible types are 'Normal', 'Nether', 'Skylands'. As you can see, these are world types and not generator types. ;)
You can read more about it here.
Hope you enjoy the plugin!
When i type /mv list is say its a normal world?
Very Good, yes yes. Indeed well done :)
Yes, all server plugins should always be added to the "plugins" folder.
Also note that to actually allow the generator to be used for a world, you'll use a world-management plugin (I recommend MultiVerse).
Please refer to the "How To Use" section in the overview section (at the top of this page) for specific commands to run after you've installed both Fjord and MultiVerse :)
Thanks for checking out the plugin!
Hmmm... for some reason my server is not detecting the Generator. Am I supposed to add it to the "plugins" folder? Thanks in advance. :)
At the moment, yes. The goal of this generator is first and foremost to provide fjord/Scandinavian terrain, hence deserts or jungle biomes would be vastly out of place ;)
IS this the only biome added?
This is my new favorite world generator!
Totally outdid Nordic!!!!
That biome looks pretty neat! That'll be fun to add to Fjord!
Mojang, being the smart people they are, decided to add biomes, flowers, and a new type of "grass", while we're stuck with "pretend furniture" (we still treat stairs like chairs; they're more like benches). Anyhow, to get back onto topic...
In 1.7, which is a "long" way from now (approximately 4-5 months), they're going to add Redwood Biomes, unless some bizarre accident or change in opinion occurs. This new biome is strikingly... Nordic/Fjord-like? Anyhow, I just wanted to point this out, so that this new addition will come expectedly, rather than as a surprise. And it would blend in quite perfectly with this plugin.
Version 0.2.0 is now available (get it here). Changes include:
- (Greatly) improved cave and ore generation (using Ore and Cave popoulators from the Nordic Reloaded plugin. Thanks and credit to the Nordic and Nordic Reloaded plugins and their authors and contributors!)
- Terrain generation now includes plains and flatter forest-like zones (Plains example, Forest example)
- Added lava lake generation near bedrock
- Terrain generation performance overall has been improved
Many, many thanks to all people who've been so kind to test and provide feedback up to this point! All of your input is greatly appreciated (after all, most of the newest changes are the result of such feedback), and I hope people will continue to find the time and energy for some constructive criticism as this plugin is developed further!