FirstSpawn 1.6


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  • Uploaded
    Jan 19, 2013
  • Size
    34.89 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.5.1
  • 1.5.0
  • 1.4.7


Compatible with:
Didn't check compatibility for below CB 1.3.2!
CB 1.4.2, CB 1.4.6, CB 1.4.7, CB 1.5, CB 1.5.x

In order to work with Essentials, please change the 'respawn-listener-priority' to lowest.
'respawn-listener-priority: lowest'

Change Log:

Version Description
1.6 Added: The CustomCommand (Only words after full server reload/restart)
Added: SpawnPoint, when players have the perm "FirstSpawn.hold" they spawn on there every time
Added: Command: /fs setspawn, sets the SpawnPoint.
Added: SpawnMsg, display a message on SpawnPoint
Added: Permissions and Commands to plugin.yml
Added: onPlayerRespawn spawn back to FS. (Optioneel)
Added: Utils for some code that is use everywhere
Updated: Bukkit 1.4.7-R0.1
Updated: ChangeLog
Updated: Metrics SourceCode
Changed: Priority of JoinEvent to High
Changed: The way of checking for update.
Changed: The default config.
Changed: Some texts that are not fitting on one line
Changed: Some code to be more effient.
Fixed: If SpawnPoint is enabled. Players will spawn there always!
1.5 Updated: Email for copyright
Removed: Vault as permission handler, useing bukkit perm api
Added: Support for Essentials
1.4.1 Fixed: Config not being overwritten by a reload
Updated: Metrics Version
Fixed: Permissions - Now work good!
Fixed: Colorsupport not working, \n is now &n
Added: Safety if you didn't set the FSP.
Fixed: Console giveing a other command then /firstspawn reload
1.4.0 Changed: build.xml
Updated: Licence in evey file
Fixed: Color issue
Added: If server exists for awhile add users to users.dat, then don't lose there spawnpoint
Changed: Way of handling the config
Changed: FirstUse handle
1.3.4 Fixed: Multi-Line error with new chat feature! (&n to \n)
Updated: build.xml to make version management easyer!
Updated: Version from 1.3.3-SNAPSHOT to 1.3.4
1.3.3 Changed: Version number to 1.3.3
Added: Compatibility Plugins Checker
Added: Perms to plugin.yml
Fixed: 1.2.5 Error (Thanks for report oleerik)
Changed: build.xml for Jenkins
Added: Debug for PlayerListener
Added: No console errors on FS or FirstSpawn
Updated: Bukkit 1.2.5-R1.2-SNAPSHOT
Changed: Command handle FS or FirstSpawn - Before you get a error on first use.
Fixed: Not working on 1.2.5 - The plugin was not saving vars to config.
Added: Saving on /F(irst)S(pawn) set
Changed: build.xml and version handling
Added: VERSION file
1.3.2 QUICK FIX: Major changes for metrics!
1.3.1 Added: User perms to use fs/firstspawn/custom command Changed: Permission nodes CHANGED!!! Now: User : FirstSpawn.use Admin: FirstSpawn.admin Always Spawn: FirstSpawn Changed: More simple perm checker for admin commands Fixed: ChangeLog not correct Updated: Version to 1.3.1
1.3.0 Updated: pom and plugin to 1.3.0
Updated: Bukkit 1.2.4-R1.0
1.2.2 There was no download for this.
Updated: Metrics (Used commands, startups, mc version)
Updated: pom and plugin to 1.3.0
Updated: plugin.yml > removed FirstUse boolean
Updated: Bukkit 1.2.4-R1.0
Changed: Way that FirstUse is handled
Added: ChangeLog
Added: Loading time (normal around 9ms)
Added: Update checker
Added: multi-line Message Support (Ticket 1)
Added: Permission that player always spawn on firstspawn (Ticket 1)[perm: FirstSpawn]
Renamed: FirstSpawnPlayerListener to PlayerListener
Renamed: FirstSpawnPreferences to Preferences
Removed: Config.yml
1.2.1 Added: Licence on every file
Fixed: Not saving issue on 1.2.3 R0.2
Updated: config.yml default
Updated: Java 1.7 JDK/JRE
Removed: lib folder > Using Maven now
1.2 Added Metrics ( Changed way config saving
Changed src name to DutchMasterServer
Updated pom and plugin to 1.2
Removed bukkit.jar
1.0 First Release

Known Bugs:

- Description
- No Known