English version

FreeForAll english


FreeForAll, what's that? The goal of FFA is to kill other players, for each kill, you get coins, with coins, you can buy nice items in the shop. In addition there are killstreaks: 3 kills, 5 kills, 10 kills, the better the kills are you get extra coins.

Required plugins:

  • A lobby plugin, that supports "/hub"


  • /ffa - Basic informations zo FFA.
  • /ffa help - Help for Players.
  • /ffa setup help - Setup help.
  • /ffa setup addkit <name> - Saves the current inventory (kits.yml).
  • /ffa setup setspawn <name> <kit> - Adds a new arena with the kit <kit>
  • /spec - You'll invisible, and you'll able to fly.
  • /coins - You'll see your own points(PointsAPI by BukkitPvP)
  • /stats - You'll see your own stats.
  • /stats <Name> - You'll see stats from other players
  • /shop - Opens the item shop.


  • ffa.play - Allow players to play FFA.
  • ffa.vip - Allows it to join full rounds.
  • ffa.setup - Allow players to setup the plugin.
  • ffa.nocooldown - No shop cooldown
  • ffa.shop - Allows it to use "/shop"
  • ffa.stats - Allows it to see the own stats (/stats)
  • ffa.stats.others - Allows it to see the stats from other players.
  • ffa.spec - Allows it to use "/spec"


Zeile 1: [ffa] Zeile 2: Arenaname

!!!! Important: There are some bugs with the signs, I'm going to fix them.

Sorry for my miserable english... :D


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