How does Fe's Vault support work?

Fe's Service Provider for Vault is not included with Vault, but included in Fe. Simply place Vault & Fe in your plugins folder and Fe will hook into Vault.


No. External plugins should handle banks.

What happened to conversion?

Conversion was a feature that just bloated Fe up, as its suppose to be a simple economy plugin. Vault allows conversion using the /vault-convert command.

Does Fe have an API?

Yes, but it's recommended that you use Vault for support with all of the economy plugins, including Fe.


Rank Pay does exactly what you'd like plus more then we could ever add. Please download it instead of asking us for interest.

Does Fe collect any stats?

Fe does collect data about your configuration. The version of Craftbukkit, version of Fe, the database type, the default holdings, and the max holdings are sent to this webpage so the community and me can view stats about Fe.

Can you disable Fe's update checker?

Yes, you can disable Fe's update checker in the config by changing the updatecheck option to false. When the update check option is true, you will be notified whenever a new version of Fe has been released on BukkitDev.