FC_Bounties 2.0.1


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  • Uploaded
    Aug 2, 2012
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    61.94 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.3.1


Change log:


Simply compiled against the new dev build of Bukkit. There might be some features that were added, but they were done during private use as bugfixes so I don't have them logged.


- Total rewrite of almost all code. Algorithms are about the same as before. FC_General heavily integrated. Lots of general updates to usability. To make changes to configs, YOU MUST do them with the server down. Plugin was tested solo by myself, could be buggy. Leaderboards may or may not work. I never had anybody to test with. I will be working on player simulation so I don't need others to test this plugin in the future. I will be moniterering this thread actively for bugs as reported.


  • Updated to 1.2.5-R4.0
  • ALL permission plugins supported by vault now working. GM should work too. Some "may" not work, doubtful, but if people are having issues with any plugin tell me and I will add a soft depend for it to fix the issue.
  • Colors changed a bit to a better gray/green. instead of that bold red.
  • Bug fixed issues with non-player entities causing players to get kills for bounties. Should prevent weird behavior with tnt getting players kills or mobs.
  • Fixed bounty on/off/toggle to actually let you use on/off now.
  • Updated all permission nodes and changed them all majorly. Please update permissions files accordingly. Check the front page for the new permissions.
  • Removed a few outdated configuration settings (candrop, canexempt) as they are included in the permissions or (startuptries) outdated.
  • Option to display bounties when created, which will additionally show when they are removed.
  • Command blocker wasn't included??? I guess... somehow it got unincluded. Well it's back in this version. Disable it with the config option if you want
  • WG is automatically detected and settings adapt accordingly.

Upcoming Features:

  • Items aren't in this version, I am still undecided on whether I will add them or not. Vault will always be a requirement due to permissions, unless you want everybody able to use the admin command... in which case you are probably so small of a representative it's just not worth the effort on my part. But yeah Vault is probably always going to be needed and I just will consider doing them in the next version.
  • I know the /top command doesn't work well. I need to develop a leaderboard algorithm. Ugh, I hate going on pen-paper, but I really will have to this next time around. :P


  • Vault Support for permissions. No longer need PEX.
  • Config should update to 1.16


  • Fixed missing null check spamming console every time somebody dies.
  • Config version should update to 1.15.


  • Added percent options if wanted through config options, check config section.
  • Made a lot of stuff case non-sensitive now, especially names.
  • Fixed the bounties not giving money? I don't know how the plugin is working for people I can't get it to work on my server. I had to completely rewrite a ton of code. O.o.
  • Fixed null showing up on bounty creates
  • Fixed refunds giving the bounty number rather than the bounties reward upon removing them.
  • Fixed overlapping survial and kill bonuses
  • Fixed double messages on bounty kills
  • The bounty bonuses were ONLY supposed to be on server bounties. This was a mistake on my part, fixed it. It's technically an infinite money exploit if players can make bounties, kill another player, and get a profit out of thin air.
  • Can now spend ALL of your money (before you had to save $1) on creating a bounty.
  • Tons of little spelling fixes
  • Few other bug fixes probably. Can never always remember. Haha.


  • Fixed a few bugs mentioned in comments. Shows proper money amount now.
  • Using try catches on a lot of stuff.
  • Op permission will let you use the bounty commands now by default if you don't have the user permission.
  • Configuration will update to 3.0 now.
  • No longer infinitely initializes the plugin.
  • Updated for R3.0


  • Fixed "World Guard no bounty reward" if the pvp flag is enabled.
  • Added more "PEX"-based checks for permission handling to make sure that you really need PEX and that things shouldn't glitch.
  • Configs no longer reset on restarts if you make changes to them.


  • Will be TRYING to make sure that there is no need to ever delete configs again. Delete your configs one time for good measure on this one, but I'll be actively trying to make sure there is no need to delete them after this update. I can't guarantee you "won't" have to delete them due to bugs so in the future I recommend making backups before updating, at least until I am 100% positive configs won't break.
  • Added the ability to disable the command blocking. Also added configuration file help on the front page as requested.
  • You need FC_Bounty.user to have the plugin work for users: /bounty command. I fixed it, it was FC_Bounties.user before.


  • Lots of good fixes for a bunch of random stuff. Had a good chance to test out the plugin and a lot of features. The leader board SHOULD work, but I honestly have no idea if it works for 5 people. I will hopefully know soon but for now it may/may not work.
  • Instant server bounties after a kill
  • Server bounty will not repeat to the same player that just used /bounty drop.
  • Few more configuration options
  • Removed tag options in config. Default color scheme is best really...
  • Lots of small fixes and such everywhere. Generally everything should work better now.

1.0: Works fine now. Got leader-boards working. :D Compiled with the 1.2.4 dev version as well.

0.8: First beta release. Only problem is the leader-boards, trying to create a more efficient way of doing this as well as get it to work, everything else works though. Still needs a lot of testing with all of the configuration values that I added. They "should" work, but testing usually shows that not everything goes as planned. Works with all versions, just isn't compiled with latest dev build yet.