
The following permissions can be given to control the use of the plugin. (Default is OP access for all permissions.)

* **fasttravelsigns.use**: Allows use of the /ft command to list travel points and to actually travel.
* **fasttravelsigns.multiworld**: Allows fast-travelling to points located in other worlds than the one the player is currently in.
* **fasttravelsigns.create**: User may create FastTravel signs (unauthorized ones are removed).
* **fasttravelsigns.remove.own**: User may remove FastTravel signs they created.
* **fasttravelsigns.remove.all**: User may remove all FastTravel signs, including ones they did not create.
* **fasttravelsigns.list**: Use the /ftlist command to list all FastTravel signs.
* **fasttravelsigns.price**: Use the /ftprice command to set the price to travel to a FastTravel point.
* **fasttravelsigns.delete**: Use the /ftdelete <point> command to delete it.
* ****: Use the /ftauto <point> command to toggle whether or not it is "automatic", that is, "always on" and available to all players.
* **fasttravelsigns.setpoint**: Use the /ftsetpoint <point> command to set an alternate teleportation point for the sign.
* **fasttravelsigns.reload**: Use the /ftreload command to reload configuration and sign database.
* **fasttravelsigns.overrides.cooldown**: Allows user to bypass the cooldown setting if > 0.
* **fasttravelsigns.overrides.allpoints**: Allows user to teleport to every existing fast travel point, multiworld or not.
* **fasttravelsigns.overrides.price**: Allows user to bypass any costs for using fast travel.
* **fasttravelsigns.overrides.warmup**: Allows user to bypass the warmup setting if > 0.
* **fasttravelsigns.clear**: Allows user to clear all players from a sign.
* **fasttravelsigns.remove**: Allows user to remove a player from a sign.
* **fasttravelsigns.setrange**: Allows user to set the range of a sign.
* ****: Allows user to save the database.
* **fasttravelsigns.update**: Update notification will be shown on login.
* ****: Allows the use of inventory menus /ftmenu.
* ****: Allows the usage of /ftshow and /ftshowrange.
* **fasttravelsigns.convert**: Alows the usage of /ftconvert [dbtype] to change the database system on the fly.
* **fasttravelsigns.move**: Allows the moving of a sign.