FastTravelSigns: Simple Exploration/RPG-Friendly Warping
MC-Stats: Stats
Version 1.0.6 released. Requires Java 8 and Bukkit/Spigot 1.10+
Please report any Bugs or missing features as soon as possible.
Source-Code: GitHub
Tired of warp plugins that give your users access to a full range of public warp points as soon as they're given a certain permission? Want to encourage your users to explore rather than teleporting everywhere? Want to make them work a bit for their instant transportation? FastTravelSigns may be for you!
This plugin provides a means to create special [FastTravel] signs in your world, which your users may find and 'activate' by left-clicking them. At that point they may Fast Travel to them anytime. The idea here is that they have to get to a place before they may warp to it, similar to fast travelling in games like Oblivion and Skyrim (or even the Fly move in Pokemon!).
Features include:
- Very simple setup - most extra features are optional and it works great out of the box!
- SuperPerms/Bukkit Permissions support (Tested with PermissionsEX. See "Permissions" section below).
- Configurable cooldown between uses, and warmup before teleporting
- "Always on" automatic warp signs that will always be available to all players - Automatic signs are marked green on your list of available points!
- Economy support (Requires Vault)
- Signs are fully protected against removal by unprivileged users
- Growing list of handy administrative abilities
- You are now added to a sign if you enter a specific range
- Notifies admins if an update is availabile
- You can choose your destination in an inventory menu
- Uses the new UUID system
- Full support for SQLite and MySQL
- Signs can be shown on Dynmap
- Signs can be moved to new sign
You know the drill. Download FastTravel.jar and drop it into your plugins directory. If you wish to use the Economy support to charge your users for FastTravelling, also make sure you have installed Vault. This Plugin requires Java 8.
Run once to generate a default config.
rmh4209 has made a handy Youtube video demonstrating installation and usage (still working but misses some features). And I made a YouTube video in german myself for a newer version.
See the Usage page.
The following permissions can be given to control the use of the plugin. (Default is OP access for all permissions.)
- fasttravelsigns.use: Allows use of the /ft command to list travel points and to actually travel.
- fasttravelsigns.multiworld: Allows fast-travelling to points located in other worlds than the one the player is currently in.
- fasttravelsigns.create: User may create FastTravel signs (unauthorized ones are removed).
- fasttravelsigns.remove.own: User may remove FastTravel signs they created.
- fasttravelsigns.remove.all: User may remove all FastTravel signs, including ones they did not create.
- fasttravelsigns.list: Use the /ftlist command to list all FastTravel signs.
- fasttravelsigns.price: Use the /ftprice command to set the price to travel to a FastTravel point.
- fasttravelsigns.delete: Use the /ftdelete <point> command to delete it.
- Use the /ftauto <point> command to toggle whether or not it is "automatic", that is, "always on" and available to all players.
- fasttravelsigns.setpoint: Use the /ftsetpoint <point> command to set an alternate teleportation point for the sign.
- fasttravelsigns.reload: Use the /ftreload command to reload configuration and sign database.
- fasttravelsigns.overrides.cooldown: Allows user to bypass the cooldown setting if > 0.
- fasttravelsigns.overrides.allpoints: Allows user to teleport to every existing fast travel point, multiworld or not.
- fasttravelsigns.overrides.price: Allows user to bypass any costs for using fast travel.
- fasttravelsigns.overrides.warmup: Allows user to bypass the warmup setting if > 0.
- fasttravelsigns.clear: Allows user to clear all players from a sign.
- fasttravelsigns.remove: Allows user to remove a player from a sign.
- fasttravelsigns.setrange: Allows user to set the range of a sign.
- Allows user to save the database.
- fasttravelsigns.update: Update notification will be shown on login.
- Allows the use of inventory menus /ftmenu.
- Allows the usage of /ftshow and /ftshowrange.
- fasttravelsigns.convert: Alows the usage of /ftconvert [dbtype] to change the database system on the fly.
- fasttravelsigns.move: Allows the moving of a sign.
Known Issues
- Removing the block underneath or attached to a sign may result in the sign floating in midair.
- Occasionally a sign might be placed in such a way that users end up teleported to the ground below the sign. This does not have any obvious cause I can find yet. (Possibly fixed as of v0.4)
- If the sign is placed on a wall above ground level in a room, you may end up teleported to the room (or roof) above.
- 1.1.0 - Might take a while
1.1.0 will drop support for files based databases. Either a SQLite or MySQL database will be used. This will enable me to add support for BungeeCord
Report any bug you find here: Issues
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
For news follow me on Twitter: Follow here
Just wondering I currently have version 1.0.5 installed but when I connect it says that version 1.0.6 is available and then provides a link. Unfortunately the link is to version 1.0.5. Just wondering if I'm missing something here.
In reply to borntoblock:
I have my own server and the players can use the /ft command and everything but they cant discover the signs for some reason so what do I need to do to fix it?
If you set the permissions correctly I need more information.
What version of Bukkit/Spigot are you using?
Any messages in the console/log when a player tries to discover a new sign?
Wich version of Java are you using?
Are there more things that don't work?
The bukkit version is the 1.11.0 version and there isnt any message in the console. I am not sure which java (because it is hosted on a website) and I think that the rest is working.
Just wanted to let you know that this fixed the problem. Thank you for the quick fix and turnaround.
Regarding the Error log, that had nothing to do with the locked inventoires. It is not fixed in 1.0.3 but it is "just" an error in the log. Will be fixed in the next 1-2 days since it's not gamebreaking like the other.
Yeah that is a massive derp at my site. By preventing players from putting stuff in FastTravel Menus I accidentaly locked all inventories. Just go back to 1.0.1 while Bukkit approves 1.0.3 that fixes the problem.
And after almost 60 downloads I am more than thankful that atleast one person reports a bug that completly breaks a server. One can never report too many bugs to a dev ;)
Or, as allways take the release from GitHub
Found a new problem. Error log is Here.
The ft command works fine and users can teleport to where ever they have signs set up. The downside is while this plugin is active you can't move stuff from your inventory, chest, furnaces or for that matter anywhere else to anywhere else. Thought it was Grief Prevention at first but removing that plugin did not fix the problem. Removing Fast travel signs did fix it. Sorry to be a downer.
Uploaded a new version that fixes many issues and fixes the language derp.
Requires 1.10 (says 1.9 in the list thought, blame BukkitDev)
Should be downloadable in a few hours at most.
Or you can use the release from GitHub, which is the exact same file I uploaded here.
The error messages from when the plugin is initialized can be found here: Error Message.
When the command is issued i.e. /ft Dark_Tower the game will print /ft [travelpoint]. The server log says: [23:31:28 INFO]: BorntoBlock issued server command: /ft Dark_Tower, but there is no error output in the log when the command is issued.
I should also mention it does not teleport you. You stay exactly where you were when you issue the command.
Hope this helps
No need to hurry, I wont be able to fix it before Saturday evening (EU time). You can either upload it somewhere I can download it or put the content of it at
If everything fails you can ofcourse post it here, but it is rather hard to read since the formation will be lost.
I won't be able to post the log till tonight (US here), Just post the log output here or do you want it placed/uploaded somewhere else?
Yes I still work on this and plan to update it to 1.10 asap.. Can you provide me a log so I can see what went wrong? Weekend will be quiet busy but I think I will be able to fix it till monday if it's not to bad.
Just letting wondering if there will be an update for this plugin for 1.10 as the plugin no longer works.
You can download the latest en.lang here:
Not sure it is complete yet, still working on the fixed version but it contains the Player.List that was missing. Just a quick tip for the next time. When posting logs use a site like and link to it. It is way easier to read since it will keep it formation.
Regarding the rest of the error, you are not using any permissions plugin right? I am not familiar with the vanilla op levels and have no idea if they might cause the no permissions error.
Thanks for the update on this. If I was going to fix it myself what do I need to add to the language file?
That is my fault. Seems like I missed a few keys in the language files. Reading them works fine, so you can either add it manualy or wait for the next update that should be out in a few days. I don't think there is something else wrong on your side so the error should disapear once the lang file is updated.
Noticing in the logs when a player types in /ft the follow message shows up in the logs:
[13:41:41 INFO]: [FastTravelSigns] You don't have permission to do that. Contact an admin if you think this is an error. [13:41:41 INFO]: [FastTravelSigns] Key Player.List couldn't be found. Please check your lang Files and report to plugin dev. [13:41:41 WARN]: Unexpected exception while parsing console command "ft" org.bukkit.command.CommandException: Unhandled exception executing command 'ft' in plugin FastTravelSigns v1.0.0 at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( [spigot-1.9.2.jar:git-Spigot-a1b8bf3-f01861f] at org.bukkit.command.SimpleCommandMap.dispatch( [spigot-1.9.2.jar:git-Spigot-a1b8bf3-f01861f] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_9_R1.CraftServer.dispatchCommand( [spigot-1.9.2.jar:git-Spigot-a1b8bf3-f01861f] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_9_R1.CraftServer.dispatchServerCommand( [spigot-1.9.2.jar:git-Spigot-a1b8bf3-f01861f] at net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.DedicatedServer.aL( [spigot-1.9.2.jar:git-Spigot-a1b8bf3-f01861f] at net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.DedicatedServer.D( [spigot-1.9.2.jar:git-Spigot-a1b8bf3-f01861f] at net.minecraft.server.v1_9_R1.MinecraftServer.C( [spigot-1.9.2.jar:git-Spigot-a1b8bf3-f01861f] at [spigot-1.9.2.jar:git-Spigot-a1b8bf3-f01861f] at [?:1.8.0_77] Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_9_R1.command.ColouredConsoleSender cannot be cast to org.bukkit.entity.Player at de.germanspacebuild.plugins.fasttravel.commands.FastTravelCommand.onCommand( [?:?] at org.bukkit.command.PluginCommand.execute( [spigot-1.9.2.jar:git-Spigot-a1b8bf3-f01861f] ... 8 more
Along with a number or error messages. I've looked in the lang folder and found both a de.lang and a en.lang file (I'm assuming German and English) but I didn't see an entry for Player.List.
Just wondering what I'm doing wrong here or whether I need to set up something in the permission file (personal server for a few friends so nothing has been entered into it). The people running the command are op level 2 on the server though.
in you name for the FastTravelSign you are using characters other than the letters "a-z" (up and lowercase), the numbers "0-9", "-" and "_". (without quotes)