
FAQ Documentation


  1. Go to our downloads page and download the latest version. Here is the downloads list.
  2. You should have downloaded a file called "FAQ.jar", place that in your plugins folder.
  3. Reload or Restart your server.
  4. Finished! Commands and Permissions below.


/faq info--Shows information about the plugin.
/faq helpFAQ.use.helpIn-game help page.
/faq listFAQ.use.listList the predefined messages.
/faq send <id>FAQ.use.sendSends the defined answer to public chat. (Looks like you typed it.)
/faq configFAQ.configConfiguration file management commands.
/faq add <message>FAQ.modify.addWill add the message to the FAQ list.
/faq remove <id>FAQ.modify.removeWill remove the defined FAQ from the list.

To make sure server admins don't give powerful commands to untrusted players, FAQ.* will not work.

We've divided all the commands in to three main permission nodes. Use, Modify, and Config.

If you want to give a player only one command, you can use the full permission node. Otherwise we recommend you just use the appropriate section. (FAQ.use, FAQ.modify, FAQ.config)


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