

Permissions based on territories! This plugin allows you to assign permissions based on territories, no matter what permission plugin you're using*!

Supports just about every version of Factions! This plugin requires FactionsFramework.

How does it work?

As long as your permissions plugin supports groups, the plugin will automatically assign it to a factions_* group. These groups are:

  • factions_none - when they're in none/wilderness
  • factions_warzone - when they're in the warzone
  • factions_safezone - when they're in the safezone
  • factions_ally - when they're in another factions land (that they're an ally too)
  • factions_neutral - when they're in another factions land (that they're neutral too)
  • factions_enemy - when they're in another factions land (that they're an enemy too)
  • factions_truce - when they're in another factions land (that they're in a truce too)
  • factions_own - when they're in their own factions land

You don't have to use all of these groups! You can use 0, 1, 4, or whatever. Simply use your already existing permission plugins and create the group.

If you want a player to ignore these simply give them the permission factionsperms.ignore and they will not be added to any of these groups. There are no commands.

This will allow you to take complete control of your Factions server and again expanding it beyond it's already set limits.

Keep up to date with FactionsPerms and subscribe to updates.

This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to mcstats.org:

  • A unique identifier
  • The server's version of Java
  • Whether the server is in offline or online mode
  • The plugin's version
  • The server's version
  • The OS version/name and architecture
  • The core count for the CPU
  • The number of players online
  • The Metrics version


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Mar 12, 2014
  • Last Released File
    May 6, 2016
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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