In the most recent versions of the oh so popular Factions (1.7 and above), you may have noticed that the faction chat feature was removed. Faction chat really comes in handy at times to easily talk with whole groups, whether you're planning with your allies to take down that faction you just hate that or discussing top secret plans with your clan. This plugin is there to fill in that gap and bring back this high demand feature, aiming to replicate what has now been removed from Factions.
The author of FactionChat is constantly updating to make sure that FactionChat is designed to work without any bugs and function at top-notch performance out-of-the-box.
- Faction-only, ally, truce and enemy chat modes
- Send a message to other factions, even if you're not allies with them
- Staff chat channels
- Ability to spy on all messages
- Easy to use chat-mode toggles/commands
Development Builds
Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Development builds can be found here
To-do/possible updates.
- Create a help command (/fc help)
- I'm always open to suggestions!
Support and like my work? Donate to keep development going.
I have spent many hours creating and perfecting this plugin for public use, and I expect many more hours still to come through updating and adding features requested by the community. You can even spare a buck or two, after all, every little bit helps! If you are unable to donate, it would still be awesome if you could let me know how the plugin is working for you and leave a thanks in the comments section.
Plugin demo: lolnet.co.nz
Author debug access.
In the v1.5 update, I have added a new config option called "AllowAuthorDebugAccess". If set to true and your server is running in online-mode, then it allows me, james137137, to use the follow commands: /fchatother, /fc jrmod, /fc mod, /fc srmod, /fc jradmin, /fc admin, /fc spy, /fc update, and /fc reload. Please note that this does not give me the ability to use any other commands. You may never even need to enable this, unless you personally need help and have invited me to test something for/with you. This feature is enabled by default, however it can easily be toggled through the configuration.
This plugin utilizes Hidendra's metrics system in order to keep track of the plugin's popularity, as well as other metadata. The following information is collected and sent to mcstats.org:
- Unique identifier
- Java version
- Offline/online mode
- FactionChat version
- Server version (i.e. Bukkit 1.6.4, Spigot 1.7.2)
- OS name, version and architecture
- Amount of CPU cores
- Amount of players online
- Metrics version
Opting out of this service can be done by editing the config.yml and changing MetricsOptOut to true.
Inbuilt Updater
This plugin utilizes an external version checking system, which means that the plugin makes a connection to curseforge.com and the following may occur:
- The plugins version checked
- Downloading of the plugin files
The update can only occur when a player with permission "FactionChat.Update" runs the command "/fc update" or any /FactionChat alias with "update".
FactionChat is a stable plugin that is used by about 1,400 servers worldwide; that's a lot! Thanks to everyone who make this happen.
Repository Information for Maven Projects
<dependency> <groupId>nz.co.lolnet.james137137</groupId> <artifactId>factionchat</artifactId> <version>1.9.16</version> </dependency> <repository> <id>FactionChat-repo</id> <url>http://jenkins.lolnet.co.nz/plugin/repository/everything/</url> </repository>
looking at multiple example to this problem it seems to be something on your end when you are opening the file.
It is recommended that you use something like notepad++ and when editing the encoding is on UTF-8 without BOM
could you send me your conf.yml to me via pastebin
(being that we are both online we can get this done quicker for everyone)
Ok Thanks again, I will be waiting. :)
yeah its was something doing with UTF-8 so i had to fix all of them text in the conf.yml.... i'll upload soon
see if you can edit the conf.yml a bit looking for funny characters.
yeah its was something doing with UTF-8 so i had to fix all of them text in the conf.yml.... i'll upload soon
Same thing bro, does it matter that im on linux or something to do with the UTF-8?
ummm that was just a feature I was working on and I left in. its a scoreboard team chat
How does /fc UHC really works and what is for?
Well it seems that the config.yml doesn't like some letters.
Try using this one: https://www.dropbox.com/s/b9db94fd1xggrgt/config.yml
Thanks, Very much appreciated.
thanks... looking into it. I think i found the problem. will upload the next version later (within 12 hours)
Do you use HeroChat ?
I'm having an error while loading the config file. I have tried deleting it and reloading it but still nothing works. I posted the error on pastebin so it doesnt take up alot of room on here. Link: http://pastebin.com/3vBZbkec
Works great with all my other 40+ plugins :D! Will keep testing over the next week or so, but so far no issues! Thank you James!
fixed. Nice and easy. Thanks for letting me know about it :D
ok after testing it I see i did mess up a tad...fixing now.
Yea i reloaded config and restarted and in lastest version v1.526, /fc admin nor /fc mod worked for me.
when you do /fc admin or /fc mod it says you been switched to that chat but it doesnt have the prefix of that chat mode and it displays your text in regular chat.
Yea they worked on chat a bit but i ran it today and it still have chat.
"Switched chat handlers back to using Bukkit's deprecated synchronized chat event to fix many possible sync related errors which could occur due to the way 1.6.x handles chat. Not the best solution, but since 1.6.x is only really maintained for compatibility and bugfixes at this point... "
I don't understand very well what does it mean
But here : http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/factions/tickets/733-factions-1-6-9-5-and-hero-chat/