

Home Permissions Commands Config

User-related permissions Description
factionChat.factionChat Allows player to send and receive messages from their faction.
factionChat.allyChat Allows player to send and receive messages from their allies or factions they have made truces with.
factionChat.otherChat Allows player to send messages to other factions.
factionChat.enemyChat Allows player to send and receive messages from their factions' enemies.
factionChat.userAssistantChat Allows player to see and use the user assistant chat channel.


Staff-related permissions Description
factionChat.adminChat Allows player to see and use admin chat.
factionChat.jrAdminChat Allows player to see and use Jr. Admin chat channel.
factionChat.srModChat Allows player to see and use Sr. Moderator chat channel.
factionChat.modChat Allows player to see and use the main moderator chat channel.
factionChat.jrModChat Allows player to see and use Jr. Moderator chat channel.
factionChat.update Allows player to checks for and, if found, download any new updates.
factionChat.reload Allows reloading of the plugin configuration. Allows displaying infomation of a target player.
factionChat.admin.change Allows changing the chat mode of a target player.
factionChat.muteBypass Allows player to bypass any public mute put in place.
factionChat.spy Allows player to spy on all chats.