

Home Permissions Commands Config

This is a run-down and explanation of the default config.yml file.

CurrentVersion: 1.745
MetricsOptOut: false
# some servers have /k as their defualt command for /factions
FactionsCommand: 'f'
# Should spy mode be on by default for those who have the correct permission node.
#Accepts boolean [true/false].
spyModeOnByDefault: true
#If this is set true and your server is set online-mode:true, 
#then it allows me (james137137) to the following addiction commands,
AllowAuthorDebugAccess: true
# mutes public for the player when he/she is in a FactionChat channel (/f chat)
PublicMuteDefault: false
# allows self command /fc mutePublic or /fc Mute (prevents public messages sent to client)
AllowPublicMuteCommand: false
# Change the colors and format of each message
# you can now change leader to ** or whatever you like :-D
  Leader: 'Leader'
  Officer: 'Officer'
  Member: 'Member'
  Recruit: 'Recruit'
    Enable: false
      Public: 50
      FactionChatChannel: -1
# {0} Faction name
# {1} Faction Rank
# {2} Player name
# {M} message
# prefix and suffix are for Groupmanager, PermissionsEX & bPermissions only. please PM me to request more.
  IncludePrefix: true
  IncludeSuffix: true
  IncludeTitle: true
  TitleSeparator: '-'
  FactionChat: '&2[{0}] &f[{1}] {2}: {M}'
  AllyChat: '&aAlly: [{0}] &f[{1}] {2}: {M}'
  TruceChat: '&aTruce: [{0}] &f[{1}] {2}: {M}'
  AllyTruceChat: '&aALLY-TRUCE: [{0}] &f[{1}] {2}: {M}'
  OfficerChat: '&eOfficerChat: [{0}] &f{1}: {M}'
  LeaderChat: '&eLeaderChat: [{0}] &f{1}: {M}'
  EnemyChat: '&cEnemy: [{0}] &f[{1}] {2}: {M}'
# {0,1} Other Faction's name (have a guess by reading)
  OtherFactionChatTo: '&5[@:{0}] &f[{1}] {2}: {M}'
  OtherFactionChatFrom: '&5[From:{0}] &f[{1}] {2}: {M}'
  OtherFactionChatSpy: '&5[@:{0}]-[From:{1}] &f[{2}] {3}: {M}'
# {0} everytning else 
  SpyChat: '&2Spy:&r {0}'
# {0} Player name
# {M} Message
  ModChat: '&b[Mod-Chat] &f{0}: &a{M}'
  AdminChat: '&4[Admin-Chat] &f{0}: &a{M}'
  UAChat: '&5[UA-Chat] &f{0}: &a{M}'
  JrModChat: '&b[JrMod-Chat] &f{0}: &a{M}'
  SrModChat: '&b[SrMod-Chat] &f{0}: &a{M}'
  JrAdminChat: '&4[JrAdmin-Chat] &f{0}: &a{M}'
  VIPChat: '&e[VIP-Chat] &f{0}: &a{M}'
#Enable/disable any chat (except public)
FactionChatEnable: true
AllyChatEnable: true
TruceChatEnable: true
AllyTruceChatEnable: true
LeaderChatEnable: true
OfficerChatEnable: true
EnemyChatEnable: true
OtherChatEnable: true
ModChatEnable: true
AdminChatEnable: true
JrModChatEnable: true
SrModChatEnable: true
JrAdminChatEnable: true
UAChatEnable: true
VIPChatEnable: true
# What language should the messages be in. Accepts 'english', or 'other' only.
MessageLanguage: english
# These can be modified to your liking.
    NotInFaction: You are not member of any faction
    IncorectChatModeSwitch: 'Error: please use /fc to switch chat mode or'
    SpyModeOn: Spy mode is now on
    SpyModeOff: Spy mode is now off
    NewChatMode: 'Your chat mode has been changed to: '
    FchatoMissType: 'Error: Please use /fco factionname message.'
    FchatoNoOneOnline: 'Error: either no faction member is online or incorrect faction
    PublicMuteChatOn: 'Public chat is now muted for you'
    PublicMuteChatOff: 'Public chat is no longer muted for you'
    NotInFaction: You are not member of any faction
    IncorectChatModeSwitch: 'Error: please use /fc to switch chat mode or'
    SpyModeOn: Spy mode is now on
    SpyModeOff: Spy mode is now off
    NewChatMode: 'Your chat mode has been changed to: '
    FchatoMissType: 'Error: Please use /fco factionname message.'
    FchatoNoOneOnline: 'Error: either no faction member is online or incorrect faction
    PublicMuteChatOn: 'Public chat is now muted for you'
    PublicMuteChatOff: 'Public chat is no longer muted for you'
 #name and colour customization when player changes channel e.g. /f c ally
    FactionChat: '&2Faction'
    AllyChat: '&aAlly'
    TruceChat: '&aTruce'
    AllyTruceChat: '&aAlly-Truce'
    EnemyChat: '&cEnemy'
    LeaderChat: '&eLeader'
    OfficerChat: '&eOfficer'
    PublicChat: 'PUBLIC'